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    • DOC-2022-S24, DOC-2022-S25, DOC-2023-S1, DOC-2023-S2, DOC-2023-S3, DOC-2023-S4, DOC-2023-S5, DOC-2023-S6
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      N1QL in inline text:

      modules/concept-docs/pages/analytics-for-sdk-users.adoc::description: Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar N1QL-like syntax.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc:or xref:7.1@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/update.adoc[N1QL UPDATE] to update documents based on specific query criteria:
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:For N1QL, the default consistency is `not_bounded`.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:you obtain Type safety and auto completion of relevant methods and N1QL clauses.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:The difference is that it emits N1QL in place of SQL.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:Once you have included the dependency, you can construct queries just like any other LINQ provider in a SQL-like fashion. Nearly all N1QL statements and functions are supported, for example:
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:In addition to N1QL language features, Linq2Coucbase supports ORM features like Change-tracking, and mapping of JSON fields to keys and other POCO properties.
      modules/devguide/examples/dotnet/CloudConnect.cs:            // Perform a N1QL Query
      modules/devguide/examples/dotnet/QueryPlaceHolders.cs: * Example of Querying using placeholders with N1QL in Java for the Couchbase Developer Guide.
      modules/hello-world/pages/sample-application.adoc:The{travel-sample-git-project}/tree/HEAD/try-cb-dotnet directory contains the `Startup.cs` entrypoint, and various `Models` and `Controllers` which contain functions for handling users, registration, and N1QL queries.
      modules/hello-world/pages/start-using-sdk.adoc:* How to xref:sql-lookup[lookup documents] with the {sqlpp_url}[{sqlpp} (formerly N1QL)] query language.
      modules/hello-world/pages/webui-cli-access.adoc:You can use the `cbc` tool for simple document lookups by their IDs (or _keys_) and the xref:7.1@server:n1ql:n1ql-intro/cbq.adoc[cbq] tool to issue N1QL queries.
      modules/howtos/examples/TransactionsExample.cs:                    await _cluster.QueryAsync<dynamic>(" ... N1QL ... ",
      modules/howtos/examples/TransactionsExample.cs:                var bulkLoadStatement = "<a bulk-loading N1QL statement>";
      modules/howtos/pages/analytics-using-sdk.adoc::description: Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar N1QL-like syntax.
      modules/howtos/pages/analytics-using-sdk.adoc:To learn more about using N1QL for Analytics -- the first commercial implementation of SQL++ -- see our link:[Tutorial Introduction to SQL++ for SQL users].
      modules/howtos/pages/distributed-acid-transactions-from-the-sdk.adoc:If you already use[{sqlpp} (formerly N1QL)], then its use in transactions is very similar.
      modules/howtos/pages/encrypting-using-sdk.adoc:Alternatively, you can[rename the existing fields using a N1QL statement].
      modules/howtos/pages/encrypting-using-sdk.adoc:If you decide to rename the existing fields, make sure to do so _before_ writing any encrypted fields below the top level, otherwise it may be difficult to rename the nested fields using a generic N1QL statement.
      modules/howtos/pages/error-handling.adoc:| Contains a map of service-specific properties (i.e. the opaque for key value, the statement for a N1QL query etc)
      modules/howtos/pages/kv-operations.adoc:Our xref:n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc[Query Engine] enables retrieval of information using the SQL-like syntax of N1QL.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc::description: You can query for documents in Couchbase using the N1QL query language, a language based on SQL, but designed for structured and flexible JSON documents.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:Our query service uses N1QL, which will be fairly familiar to anyone who's used any dialect of SQL.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:xref:#additional-resources[Further resources] for learning about N1QL are listed at the bottom of the page.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:Before you get started you may wish to checkout the xref:server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/index.adoc[N1QL intro page], or just dive in with a query against xref:server:manage:manage-settings/install-sample-buckets.adoc[our travel sample data set].
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:To execute N1QL, you can use xref:server:tools:query-workbench.adoc[Query Workbench] (or you can use the xref:server:tools:cbq-shell.adoc[cbq command line tool]).
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* A N1QL query using the default *Not Bounded* Scan Consistency will not wait for any indexes to finish updating before running the query and returning results, meaning that results are returned quickly, but the query will not return any documents that are yet to be indexed.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:NOTE: N1QL is not the only query option in Couchbase.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* For a deeper dive into N1QL from the SDK, refer to our xref:concept-docs:n1ql-query.adoc[N1QL SDK concept doc].
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* The xref:7.1@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/index.adoc[Server doc N1QL intro] introduces a complete guide to the N1QL language, including all of the latest additions.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* The[N1QL interactive tutorial] is a good introduction to the basics of N1QL use.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* N1QL is for operational queries; for analytical workloads, read more on xref:concept-docs:http-services.adoc#long-running-queries-big-data[when to choose Analytics], our implementation of SQL++ available in the Enterprise Edition.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:IMPORTANT: The Sub-Document operations described on this page are for _Key-Value_ requests only: they are not related to Sub-Document N1QL queries.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:(Sub-Document N1QL queries are explained in the section xref:n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc[Querying with N1QL].)
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:The _path_ follows <<Path syntax,N1QL syntax>>.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:Path syntax largely follows N1QL conventions: A path is divided into components, with each component referencing a specific _level_ in a document hierarchy.
      modules/howtos/pages/subdocument-operations.adoc:a dot or brackets) it may be escaped using N1QL escapes.
      modules/howtos/pages/transcoders-nonjson.adoc:NOTE: It's important to note that the Couchbase Data Platform includes multiple components other than the Key-Value store -- including N1QL and its indexes, FTS, analytics, and eventing -- and these are optimized for JSON and will either ignore or provide limited functionality with non-JSON documents.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure - SvcRestartQuery.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure -- Rb1SwapQuery.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure - SvcRestartQuery.
      modules/project-docs/pages/3.0-pre-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure -- Rb1SwapQuery.
      modules/project-docs/pages/compatibility.adoc:| Scope-Level N1QL Queries & all Collections features
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Compare this to a N1QL query:
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Here is an example of the error context if a N1QL query is performed with an invalid syntax (i.e. `select 1= from`):
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:N1QL querying is now available at the `Cluster` level instead of the bucket level, because you can also write N1QL queries that span multiple buckets.
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Compare a simple N1QL query from SDK 2 with its SDK 3 equivalent:
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Analytics querying, like N1QL, is also moved to the `Cluster` level: it is now accessible through the `Cluster.AnalyticsQueryAsync` method.
      modules/project-docs/pages/migrating-sdk-code-to-3.n.adoc:Also, creating a N1QL index now lives in the `QueryIndexManager`, which is accessible through the `Cluster`.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:N1QL queries with the default serializer don&#39;t read DateTimeOffset correctly.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Support parameterized N1QL queries using string interpolation in .NET 6
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:`NodeAdapter` incorrectly shows N1QL service is not available.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Exceptions Aren't Thrown For N1QL Errors After Results.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Add N1QL Support for Collections
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure - Rb1SwapQuery
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:N1QL situational test failure - SvcRestartQuery
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:N1QL query situational failure
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Error replacing dead connections on N1QL Failover rebalance
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:RequestId, ClientContextId, and Signature Lost After N1QL Query Enumeration
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Implement non-streaming fallback for N1QL queries
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:Mutation tokens allow enhanced durability requirements as well as advanced N1QL querying capabilities.
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:The Query timeout is used on all N1QL query operations if not overridden by a custom timeout.
      modules/howtos/pages/analytics-using-sdk.adoc:To learn more about using N1QL for Analytics -- the first commercial implementation of SQL++ -- see our link:[Tutorial Introduction to SQL++ for SQL users].
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries-with-sdk.adoc:* N1QL is for operational queries; for analytical workloads, read more on xref:concept-docs:http-services.adoc#long-running-queries-big-data[when to choose Analytics], our implementation of SQL++ available in the Enterprise Edition.
      modules/project-docs/pages/sdk-release-notes.adoc:Review all SDK and verify if new SQL++ Feature introduced in 7.1.1(Include MISSING) will work as expected without any change in the code. 

      Use this command to update [source,n1ql] to [source,sqlpp]:
      Note, this is for Mac, you may need to change the command slightly on other systems.

       git grep -l "source,n1ql" | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/source,n1ql/source,sqlpp/g'




            tom.rosewell Tom Rosewell (Inactive)
            maria.shodunke Maria Shodunke (Inactive)
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