
    • Technical task
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    • DOC-2022-S24, DOC-2022-S25, DOC-2023-S1, DOC-2023-S2, DOC-2023-S3, DOC-2023-S4, DOC-2023-S5, DOC-2023-S6
    • 1


      N1QL in inline text:

      modules/concept-docs/pages/analytics-for-sdk-users.adoc::description: Parallel data management for complex queries over many records, using a familiar N1QL-like syntax.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/data-model.adoc:These data structures are stored as JSON documents in Couchbase, and can therefore be accessed using N1QL, Full Text Search, and normal key-value operations.
      modules/concept-docs/pages/documents.adoc:or xref:7.1@server:n1ql:n1ql-language-reference/update.adoc[N1QL UPDATE] to update documents based on specific query criteria:
      modules/concept-docs/pages/n1ql-query.adoc:You can query collections in N1QL, by referring to a fully qualified keyspace.
      modules/hello-world/examples/HelloCloud.kt:            // Execute a N1QL query
      modules/hello-world/examples/HelloWorld.kt:            // Execute a N1QL query
      modules/hello-world/pages/start-using-sdk.adoc:Here's an example that shows how to execute a N1QL query and get a document from the Key Value (KV) service.
      modules/howtos/pages/document-expiry.adoc:TIP: A N1QL query that changes a document also removes the document expiry.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc::description: You can query for documents in Couchbase using the N1QL query language.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc:N1QL is based on SQL, but designed for structured and flexible JSON documents.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc:You should know[how to write a N1QL query].
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc:This example uses a N1QL query to get 10 documents from the default collection in the `travel-sample` bucket.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc:A "query parameter" is like a variable in a N1QL statement.
      modules/howtos/pages/n1ql-queries.adoc:NOTE: Some parts of a N1QL statement cannot be parameters.
      modules/project-docs/pages/compatibility.adoc://| N1QL Queries inside the Transaction Lambda
      modules/project-docs/pages/compatibility.adoc://| Scope-Level N1QL Queries & all Collections features
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:Mutation tokens allow enhanced durability requirements as well as advanced N1QL querying capabilities.
      modules/ref/pages/client-settings.adoc:The Query timeout is used on all N1QL query operations if not overridden by a custom timeout. 

      Use this command to update [source,n1ql] to [source,sqlpp]:
      Note, this is for Mac, you may need to change the command slightly on other systems.

       git grep -l "source,n1ql" | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/source,n1ql/source,sqlpp/g'


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