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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-11614

Feedback on Manage Scopes and Collections | Couchbase Docs





      I would like to provide feedback regarding the "Manage Scopes and Collections" section in the Couchbase documentation. Specifically, I would like to address the lack of information about creating and deleting scopes using the Couchbase Lite Java SDK.

      The "Manage Scopes and Collections" section is crucial for developers working with Couchbase Lite, as it allows them to organize and structure their data effectively. However, I have found a significant gap in the documentation and SDK source code related to creating and deleting scopes. This omission has made it challenging for developers to understand and implement these essential operations.

      Here are the specific issues I'd like to highlight:

      Creating a Scope: The documentation lacks clear and detailed instructions on how to create a scope programmatically using the Couchbase Lite Java SDK. As a developer, I have been unable to find any code examples or explanations in the documentation that guide me through this process.

      Deleting a Scope: Similarly, there is a lack of information on how to safely delete a scope using the Couchbase Lite Java SDK while ensuring data integrity. Deleting scopes is a critical operation, and it is important to have clear documentation and examples to follow.

      I believe that addressing these issues in the documentation would greatly benefit developers who rely on Couchbase Lite for their projects. Clear and comprehensive documentation is essential for a seamless development experience and ensures that developers can take full advantage of Couchbase Lite's capabilities.

      I kindly request that the Couchbase documentation team consider adding information, code examples, and step-by-step guides for creating and deleting scopes in the Couchbase Lite Java SDK. This addition would make the documentation more comprehensive and user-friendly, ultimately improving the developer experience.

      Thank you for considering this feedback, and I look forward to seeing improvements in the documentation that will benefit the Couchbase Lite community.

      Reporter: Kaust


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