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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-11674

Capella/cbbackupmgr page. Need to add flags explanation to 'restore' section



    • Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • n/a
    • 7.1.5, 7.2.3
    • tools
    • None
    • 0


      On page: https://docs.couchbase.com/cloud/clusters/cli-backup-restore.html we have this section:


      With Capella databases running Couchbase Server version 7.1.3, use the following --disable options with cbbackupmgr config to configure the backup repository:
      --disable-analytics --disable-cluster-analytics --disable-bucket-query --disable-cluster-query 


      Need to add, that if at the time of repository creation those flags were omitted, we need to add these flags to the 'restore' command, to successfully restore the backup to Capella. Without these flags, restore is failing with error:


      Error restoring cluster: internal server error executing 'POST' request to '/api/v1/bucket/ptxdata/backup': {"caller":"auth:394","code":13014,"key":"datastore.couchbase.insufficient_credentials","message":"User does not have credentials to run backup bucket metadata. Add role data_backup on ptxdata to allow the query to run."} 

      It's happening because of RBAC settings which is not easy to change on Capella clusters.


      My repro:

      1. Azure Capella cluster, 7.2.3

      C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin>cbbackupmgr.exe config -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo
      Backup repository `testrepo` created successfully in archive `C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo`
      cbbackupmgr.exe backup -c -u Administrator -p ** -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo
      Backing up to '2023-11-16T15_14_00.9016104-08_00'
      Restore without flags:
      cbbackupmgr.exe restore -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo --cluster "couchbases://cb.4lir3nkjfmlar56c.cloud.couchbase.com" --no-ssl-verify -u "testadmin" -p "***"
      Restoring backup '2023-11-16T15_14_00.9016104-08_00'
      Error restoring cluster: internal server error executing 'POST' request to '/api/v1/bucket/ptxdata/backup': {"caller":"auth:394","code":13014,"key":"datastore.couchbase.insufficient_credentials","message":"User does not have credentials to run backup bucket metadata. Add role data_backup on ptxdata to allow the query to run."}
      Restore with flags:
      cbbackupmgr.exe restore -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo --cluster "couchbases://cb.4lir3nkjfmlar56c.cloud.couchbase.com" --no-ssl-verify -u "testadmin" -p "***" --disable-eventing --disable-analytics --disable-cluster-analytics --disable-bucket-query --disable-cluster-query --purge
      Restoring backup '2023-11-16T15_14_00.9016104-08_00'
      Copied all data in 6.4s (Avg. 4.94KiB/Sec)
      Restore completed successfully 

      2. Repro for AWS cluster, 7.2.3:

      Restore without flags:
      cbbackupmgr.exe restore -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo --cluster "couchbases://cb.cwumfvgrt0fbwdtd.cloud.couchbase.com" --no-ssl-verify -u "testadmin" -p "***"
      Restoring backup '2023-11-16T15_14_00.9016104-08_00'
      Transferring Query metadata for bucket 'ptxdata' 
      Error restoring cluster: internal server error executing 'POST' request to '/api/v1/bucket/ptxdata/backup': {"caller":"auth:394","code":13014,"key":"datastore.couchbase.insufficient_credentials","message":"User does not have credentials to run backup bucket metadata. Add role data_backup on ptxdata to allow the query to run."}
      Restore with flags:
      cbbackupmgr.exe restore -a "C:\Users\Ihor Pavlov\logs\backup_repo" -r testrepo --cluster "couchbases://cb.cwumfvgrt0fbwdtd.cloud.couchbase.com" --no-ssl-verify -u "testadmin" -p "***" --disable-eventing --disable-analytics --disable-cluster-analytics --disable-bucket-query --disable-cluster-query --purge
      Restoring backup '2023-11-16T15_14_00.9016104-08_00'
      Restore completed successfully


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