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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-12146

Couchbase lite Swift Sample Code is out of date



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • None
    • couchbase-lite
    • None


      The Couchbase lite Swift Sample code is before Couchbase had scopes and collections, thus containing depreciated methods. It also doesn't contain a mechanism to keep the program operating, and will instead exit out instantly.

       This is a more up to date version

      import CouchbaseLiteSwift
      struct MyApp {
          static func main() {
      // Get the database (and create it if it doesn’t exist).
      let database: Database
      do {
          database = try Database(name: "mydb")
      } catch {
          fatalError("Error opening database")
      Database.log.console.domains = .all 
      Database.log.console.level = .verbose 
      // Create a new document (i.e. a record) in the database.
      let mutableDoc = MutableDocument()
          .setFloat(2.0, forKey: "version")
          .setString("SDK", forKey: "type")
      let collection: Collection
      do {
       collection =  try database.createCollection(name:"_default",scope: "_default");
      } catch {
          fatalError("Error create collection")
      // Save it to the database.
      do {
          try collection.save(document:mutableDoc)
      } catch {
          fatalError("Error saving document")
      print("Created document id type \(mutableDoc.id)? with type = \(mutableDoc.string(forKey: "type")!)")
      let existing_doc:Document?
         existing_doc = try collection.document(id: mutableDoc.id)
      } catch{
          fatalError("failed to get document")
      // Update a document.
      if let mutableDoc = existing_doc?.toMutable() {
          mutableDoc.setString("Swift", forKey: "language")
          do {
              try collection.save(document:mutableDoc)
              let document = try collection.document(id: mutableDoc.id)!
              // Log the document ID (generated by the database)
              // and properties
              print("Updated document id \(document.id), adding language \(document.string(forKey: "language")!)")
          } catch {
              fatalError("Error updating document")
      // Create a query to fetch documents of type SDK.
      print("Querying Documents of type=SDK")
      let query = QueryBuilder
      // Run the query.
      do {
          let result = try query.execute()
          print("Number of rows :: \(result.allResults().count)")
      } catch {
          fatalError("Error running the query")
          // Create replicators to push and pull changes to and from the cloud.
          let targetEndpoint = URLEndpoint(url: URL(string: "ws://localhost:4984/traveldb")!)
          var replConfig = ReplicatorConfiguration(target: targetEndpoint)
          replConfig.replicatorType = .pushAndPull
          // Add authentication.
          replConfig.authenticator = BasicAuthenticator(username: "sgwuser1", password: "passwordstring")
          // Create replicator (make sure to add an instance or static variable named replicator)
          let replicator = Replicator(config: replConfig)
          // Listen to replicator change events.
          replicator.addChangeListener { (change) in
               print("Error code")
              if let error = change.status.error as NSError? {
                  print("Error code :: \(error.code)")
          // Start replication.
          var limit = 0
          while (true){
          if(replicator.status.activity != Replicator.ActivityLevel.stopped)
              limit = limit + 1
          if (replicator.status.activity == Replicator.ActivityLevel.stopped && limit > 0 ){



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