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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-12180

xattrs field names restriction and undocumented error codes



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None
    • 7.6.2
    • documentation, fts
    • Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition 7.6.2 build 3609
    • 0


      While trying to upsert docs to xattrs, I am hitting into errors as below : 

      Error mutating document doc945 : Invalid extended attribute (0x87) | {"status_code":135,"document_id":"doc945","bucket":"b1","scope":"s1","collection":"c1","collection_id":12,"error_name":"XATTR_EINVAL","error_description":"Invalid extended attribute","opaque":1008,"context":"Request XATTR key invalid","last_dispatched_to":"","last_dispatched_from":"","last_connection_id":"35fdea16e35a6a45/4c0e446a21005348"} Retrying 

      So when tried to query the error code 135, its not present in Couchbase Docs
      The last error code for this xattr feature present in docs is 130 and I am getting 135.


      With trial and error, it was found that the xattrs field names has limit of max 15 characters.

      so, field name : vector_data_base64 (18 > 15 ) is invalid ( returning the above error ) but, field name : vector_encoded is valid.

      So there are two concerns here,

      1. The field character limit of 15 characters seems too less ( in normal doc we don't have any such limits ). 
      eg. for upserting base64 vecs to xattrs, one of the ideal names is vector_data_base64 but this will return error.

      2. Also, if the character limit still exists, then this needs to be documented.


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