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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-12484

Doc ticket for XDCR conflict logging feature



    • New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • Morpheus
    • Morpheus
    • xdcr
    • None
    • 0


      This is the DOC ticket for MB-58989 - XDCR conflict logging feature in Morpheus.

      Bucket property documentation and XDCR documentation are affected.

      Bucket property info:

      • Documentation will need to explain the bucket property enableCrossClusterVersioning – since enabling this bucket property is a pre-requisite for enabling XDCR conflict logging feature. 
      • enableCrossClusterVersioning turns on HLV (Hybrid Logical Vector) info collection in each document's system extended attributes.


      XDCR documentation will need to explain:

      • The conflict logging does not change how the conflicts are resolved – the conflict resolution remains the same – the winner of the conflict resolution (using same method as before to determine winner) overwrites the losing document
      • What conflict logging is
        • May require update of some existing documentation on XDCR conflict resolution (TBD)
        • Detecting that a conflict that should be logged has occurred and putting the log message and the conflicting document bodies in a conflict collection specified by the user
        • A conflict that should be logged is detected when, during the conflict resolution process, two documents (same docId) are found to be not causally related
      • When conflict logging is done – XDCR detects that a document has two different causal history (i.e. documents are not causally related) using the Hybrid Logical Vector (HLV) info in each document's system extended attributes – if that occurs, conflict logging is done (obviously, if the feature is enabled and a conflict log has been specified)
      • How to enable/disable conflict logging
        • The bucket property enableCrossClusterVersioning must be true for the bucket to be able to enable conflict logging
      • Besides enabling conflict logging, you must have specified the conflict log collection or collections (where the conflict log messages and conflicting document bodies are put) for conflict logging to actually occur
      • Where the conflict log messages are put and format of the messages
      • Where the conflicting documents – the document bodies – are put so that they can be examined by the users




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              gary.gray Gary Gray
              hyun-ju.vega Hyun-Ju Vega
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