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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-1283

Missing Options in cbstats documentation




      The following two options are missing from the document and are available in the command line:

      Missing options:
      or cbstats host:dataport prev-vbucket
      or cbstats host:dataport raw argument
      or cbstats host:dataport tap-takeover vb name
      or cbstats host:dataport vbucket-details [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport vbucket-seqno [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport vkey keyname vbid

      cbstats usage output from Couchbase server 4.1

      [root@ip-172-31-33-203 couchbase]# cat VERSION.txt
      [root@ip-172-31-33-203 couchbase]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats ec2-54-175-113-113.compute-1.amazonaws.com:11210 --help
      Usage: cbstats [options]

      -h, --help show this help message and exit
      -j output the results in json format
      -b BUCKETNAME the bucket to get stats from (Default: default)
      -p PASSWORD the password for the bucket if one exists
      Usage: cbstats host:dataport command [options]
      Note that the default dataport is 11210

      -b the bucket to get stats from (Default: default)
      -p the password for the bucket if one exists
      -j output the results in json format

      Usage: cbstats host:dataport all
      or cbstats host:dataport allocator
      or cbstats host:dataport checkpoint [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport config
      or cbstats host:dataport dcp
      or cbstats host:dataport dcp-takeover vb name
      or cbstats host:dataport dcpagg
      or cbstats host:dataport diskinfo [detail]
      or cbstats host:dataport dispatcher [logs]
      or cbstats host:dataport failovers [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport hash [detail]
      or cbstats host:dataport items (memcached bucket only)
      or cbstats host:dataport key keyname vbid
      or cbstats host:dataport kvstore
      or cbstats host:dataport kvtimings
      or cbstats host:dataport memory
      or cbstats host:dataport prev-vbucket
      or cbstats host:dataport raw argument
      or cbstats host:dataport reset
      or cbstats host:dataport runtimes
      or cbstats host:dataport scheduler
      or cbstats host:dataport slabs (memcached bucket only)
      or cbstats host:dataport tap
      or cbstats host:dataport tap-takeover vb name
      or cbstats host:dataport tapagg
      or cbstats host:dataport timings
      or cbstats host:dataport uuid
      or cbstats host:dataport vbucket
      or cbstats host:dataport vbucket-details [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport vbucket-seqno [vbid]
      or cbstats host:dataport vkey keyname vbid
      or cbstats host:dataport warmup
      or cbstats host:dataport workload

      [root@ip-172-31-33-203 couchbase]#


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