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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-1828

Duplicate text in JOIN section




      This page: http://developer.couchbase.com/documentation/server/4.5/n1ql/n1ql-language-reference/from.html#concept_rnt_zfk_np__index-join

      This text is duplicated:
      "ON KEYS is required after each JOIN. It specifies the primary keys for the second keyspace (bucket) in the join.

      Joins can be chained.

      By default, an INNER join is performed. This means that for each joined object produced, both the left and right hand source objects must be non-missing and non-null.

      If LEFT or LEFT OUTER is specified, then a left outer join is performed. At least one joined object is produced for each left hand source object. If the right hand source object is NULL or MISSING, then the joined object's right-hand side value is also NULL or MISSING (omitted), respectively."

      But there is a bit of discrepancy between these two sentences that will require someone to understand and resolve:
      1) "The KEYS clause is required after each JOIN. It specifies the primary keys for the second keyspace in the join."
      2) "ON KEYS is required after each JOIN. It specifies the primary keys for the second keyspace (bucket) in the join."

      From what I can tell, #1 is slightly incorrect because it should say "The <i>keys-clause</i>...", and #2 is slightly incorrect because we should not be referring to keyspace as a bucket.


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