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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-5760

The documentation abut mutable documents with id is a lie.




      Docs for CouchbaseLite 2.6 in Swift state:
      "The MutableDocument(withID: String) initializer can be used to create a new document with a specific ID."

      This is a lie. If I try to use "MutableDocument()", I am asked if I mean CBLMutableDocument instead.

      If I try to use CBLMutableDocument, I get a document with a random id.

      If I try to use CBLMutableDocument(withID: String), I get told that no such identifier exists.

      1) Is it MutableDocument or CBLMutable document? The documentation and code don't agree – BAD SIGN!

      2) Why does the documentation tell me to use a (withID: ...), when no such interface exists? I really have a lot more important things on my plate to deal with, than poorly documented/non-existent interfaces. Documentation is FLAT OUT WRONG here.

      I'm finding this whole situation frustrating, because the point of using a library which has documentation, is to use the library using the documentation as a guide. Do I have the wrong Podfile setup? I'm using
      pod 'CouchbaseLite', '~> 2.6.0' ...

      I've spent a good day going in circles. I'd really like to not waste my time, or yours. Please help. Thank you.

      Reporter: Dylan Griffiths
      E-mail: dylan.g@thock.com


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