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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-612

Possibly incomplete/outdated information




      Specific Issues

      There are seven commands available through the stats interface:

      • stats (referred to as ‘all’)
      • dispatcher
      • hash
      • tap
      • timings
      • vkey
      • reset

      It is unclear what "the stats interface" refers to in this section, but of the
      "seven commands" above, reset is certainly not in the REST stats, and if
      this refers to the cbstats command line output, then it's outdated/incomplete
      as there are actually 33 different commands for that in Couchbase Server version

      Usage: cbstats host:dataport all
        or   cbstats host:dataport allocator
        or   cbstats host:dataport checkpoint [vbid]
        or   cbstats host:dataport config
        or   cbstats host:dataport dcp
        or   cbstats host:dataport dcp-takeover vb name
        or   cbstats host:dataport dcpagg
        or   cbstats host:dataport diskinfo [detail]
        or   cbstats host:dataport dispatcher [logs]
        or   cbstats host:dataport failovers [vbid]
        or   cbstats host:dataport hash [detail]
        or   cbstats host:dataport items (memcached bucket only)
        or   cbstats host:dataport key keyname vbid
        or   cbstats host:dataport kvstore
        or   cbstats host:dataport kvtimings
        or   cbstats host:dataport memory
        or   cbstats host:dataport prev-vbucket
        or   cbstats host:dataport raw argument
        or   cbstats host:dataport reset
        or   cbstats host:dataport runtimes
        or   cbstats host:dataport scheduler
        or   cbstats host:dataport slabs (memcached bucket only)
        or   cbstats host:dataport tap
        or   cbstats host:dataport tap-takeover vb name
        or   cbstats host:dataport tapagg
        or   cbstats host:dataport timings
        or   cbstats host:dataport uuid
        or   cbstats host:dataport vbucket
        or   cbstats host:dataport vbucket-details [vbid]
        or   cbstats host:dataport vbucket-seqno [vbid]
        or   cbstats host:dataport vkey keyname vbid
        or   cbstats host:dataport warmup
        or   cbstats host:dataport workload


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            marija Marija Jovanovic (Inactive)
            bshumate Brian Shumate (Inactive)
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