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  1. Couchbase Documentation
  2. DOC-83

Two-phase commit code example and diagram conflict



    • Task
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Critical
    • 3.1.x
    • None
    • None
    • TP Sprint 17, TP Sprint 18, TP Sprint 19, TP Sprint 20, TP Sprint 21, TP Sprint 22


      In a Stack Overflow question about the documentation for performing two-phase commits, a user states that the code example does not represent the information given in the diagram. Sergey answered the question on Stack Overflow and said the user was right.

      Documentation is at: http://docs.couchbase.com/couchbase-devguide-2.5/#performing-two-phase-commits

      Stack Overflow question is at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22766093/two-phase-commit-couchbase

      added 22-dec-2014: we also received the following question about this via the docs-ng issues page at https://github.com/couchbaselabs/docs-ng/issues/175:

      I'm currently reading the doc for advanced topics in development and in the chapter about 2-phase commit, I'm a bit confused by the diagram that appears after this paragraph: "This next illustration shows you the diagram we initially introduced to you at the start of this section. but this we update it to show when system failures may occur and the rollback scenario you may want to provide. Depending on the programming language that you use, how you implement the rollbacks may vary slightly:"

      In the 3rd line, the document for karen still has 500 points but transaction trans1 has been recorded. According to the code, this should not be possible. Should this stage show 400 points for Karen already?


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            marija Marija Jovanovic (Inactive)
            akurtzman Amy Kurtzman (Inactive)
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