Resolution: Won't Fix
The Java SDK OpenTelemetry Developer Preview example doesn't work as written. The combination of libraries in the example (com.couchbase.client:metrics-opentelemetry:0.1.3, io.opentelemetry:opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus:0.11.0, and io.prometheus:simpleclient_httpserver:0.9.0) can result in an `java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter.longValueRecorderBuilder(Ljava/lang/String` exception being thrown. The longValueRecorderBuilder method signature looks like it changed between the version of the OpenTelemetry API expected in this version of the Prometheus Exporter library (0.11.0) and the version we require (1.0.0-alpha). Fixing this is not as simple as putting in the latest versions of each library, as the objects and namespaces in the OpenTelemetry SDK have changed (looks like MeterSdkProvider is now SdkMeterProvider, among other changes), so the code example will need to be updated as well.