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  2. FORUM-687

Coupa and Couchbase Purchasing Guidelines



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • None


      Hello Everyone,


      It’s time for an update on Coupa and our purchasing guidelines. We will be holding a couple training/informational sessions in the coming weeks – please sign up for one of two sessions; calendar invites to follow. For now, here is some information that may be helpful. We would appreciate if everyone could take the 2-3 minutes to read this email.


      All spend over $2,500 either one-time or in aggregate over the fiscal year need a purchase requisition submitted in Coupa.  All goods and services must be approved through Coupa and have an approved Statement of Work (SOW) before the goods or services can be incurred. 


      Why Coupa when I have an approved budget and will be getting a contract signed with legal?

      All spend needs to be approved by your direct manager, FP&A & Accounting (each function needs visibility into all aspects of purchasing) and, if above a certain dollar threshold, also by your respective e-staff member, CFO and CEO. Coupa enables automated approval of this workflow and allows for a fully integrated process from the start of a purchase request to vendor invoicing and payment. The contract review and signature process with legal covers the contractual terms and conditions from a legal standpoint, hence is a separate process in addition to obtaining a requisition in Coupa.


      I need to engage with a service provider and I don’t think I have access to Coupa. What should I do?

      Please contact your department Admin who can create a purchase requisition on your behalf. If you think you will be ordering frequently, you may request access to Coupa by emailing [1]accounting@couchbase.com.


      I am engaging a foreign vendor; do I still go through Coupa?

      The answer is yes.


      Do international employees have access to Coupa?

      At this time only a few that engage with vendors for Couchbase US. We will be rolling out Coupa for other Couchbase entities in the future, which is when it will be available to a broader set of international employees.


      Where can I find more information on purchasing?

      Email: [2]vendorcontracts@couchbase.com with any questions

      You can find all our resources including a training document and purchasing guidelines in the [3]Finance Folder on Google Drive.



      Thank you,





      [1] accounting@couchbase.com
      [2] vendorcontracts@couchbase.com
      [3] https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sp06y3BGW40czwuz9dKtr2LHLJBVMpl5
      [4] ariana@couchbase.com
      [Created via e-mail received from: accounting <accounting@couchbase.com>]


        1. image001.png
          3 kB
          Perry Krug
        2. Purchasing Guidelines_May 2019.pdf
          170 kB
          Perry Krug
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