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  1. Couchbase Go SDK
  2. GOCBC-247

Logging output does not mention the version of the SDK being used.



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 1.3.0
    • library
    • None


      The log output does not mention the version of the SDK being used.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Spin up a one node cluster with the default bucket
      2. Use the following Go code

        package main
        import (
        type User struct {
            Id string `json:"uid"`
            Email string `json:"email"`
            Interests []string `json:"interests"`
        func main() {
                cluster, _ := gocb.Connect("couchbase://localhost")
                bucket, _ := cluster.OpenBucket("default", "")
                                Id: "kingarthur",
                                Email: "kingarthur@couchbase.com",
                                Interests: []string{"Holy Grail", "African Swallows"},
                        }, 0)
                var inUser User
                bucket.Get("u:kingarthur", &inUser)
                fmt.Printf("User: %v\n", inUser)

      3. build and execute the output is as follows:

        GOCB 18:26:58.146810 agent.go:477: Attempting to connect...                               
        GOCB 18:26:58.147015 agent.go:480: Trying server at localhost:11210    
        GOCB 18:26:58.147027 agent.go:487: Trying to connect                                      
        GOCB 18:26:58.152967 agentrouting.go:52: Fetching cluster client data                     
        GOCB 18:26:58.153358 agentrouting.go:111: Authenticating...                               
        GOCB 18:26:58.153657 agent.go:508: Attempting to request CCCP configuration               
        GOCB 18:26:58.155033 agent.go:543: Successfully connected                                 
        GOCB 18:26:58.155149 agentrouting.go:217: Switching routing data (update)...              
        GOCB 18:26:58.155215 agentrouting.go:218: New Routing Data:                               
        Revision ID: 14                                                                           
        Client Multiplexer:  Pipeline 0:                                                          
            Address: localhost:11210                                           
            Max Clients: 1                                                                        
            Num Clients: 0                                                                        
            Max Items: 2048                                                                       
            Op Queue:                                                                             
              Num Items: 0                                                                        
              Is Open: true                                                                       
          Dead Pipeline:                                                                          
            Dead-Server Queue                                                                     
            Op Queue:                                                                             
              Num Items: 0                                                                        
              Is Open: true                                                                       
        Capi Eps:                                                                                 
          - http://localhost:8092/test                                       
        Mgmt Eps:                                                                                 
          - https://localhost:8091                                            
        N1ql Eps:                                                                                 
        FTS Eps:                                                                                  
        Source Data: *                                                                            
        GOCB 18:26:58.155305 memdclient.go:154: memdClient read failure: read tcp> use of closed network connection                                 
        GOCB 18:26:58.155325 memdclient.go:194: Failed to shut down client connection (tls: use of closed connection)                                                                        
        GOCB 18:26:58.155341 memdpipeline.go:266: Pipeline Client `0xc420227380` preparing for new client loop                                                                               
        GOCB 18:26:58.155368 memdpipeline.go:273: Pipeline Client `0xc420227380` is on parent: 0xc4200814f0                                                                                  
        GOCB 18:26:58.155376 memdpipeline.go:279: Pipeline Client `0xc420227380` retrieving new client connection                                                                            
        GOCB 18:26:58.155327 agent.go:410: CCCP Looper starting.                                  
        GOCB 18:26:58.160200 agentrouting.go:52: Fetching cluster client data                     
        GOCB 18:26:58.161386 agentrouting.go:111: Authenticating...                               
        GOCB 18:26:58.161701 memdpipeline.go:286: Pipeline Client `0xc420227380` starting new client loop                                                                                    
        GOCB 18:26:58.161724 memdpipeline.go:207: Pipeline `localhost:11210/0xc420227380` IO loop starting...                                                             
        GOCB 18:26:58.161733 memdpipeline.go:212: Pipeline `localhost:11210/0xc420227380` fetching new consumer                                                           
        GOCB 18:26:58.161754 memdpipeline.go:190: Pipeline `localhost:11210/0xc420227380` client watcher starting...                                                      
        User: {kingarthur kingarthur@couchbase.com [Holy Grail African Swallows]}

      As you can see the version of the SDK is not printed in the logs.


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