BestEffortRetry should not use Controlled backoffs
The SDK currently uses the fixed backoff calculator rather than the expected one for the best effort retry strategy. The fixed backoff is intended specifically for immediate retries only.
Gerrit Reviews
Release Notes Description
CB robot November 11, 2020 at 11:43 AM
Build sync_gateway-3.0.0-52 contains gocbcore commit c6e079e with commit message: : Change BestEffortRetry to Exponential Backoff
CB robot November 11, 2020 at 11:41 AM
Build sync_gateway-3.0.0-52 contains gocb commit ea723fe with commit message: : Change BestEffortRetry to use Exponential Backoff
CB robot September 15, 2020 at 11:03 AM
Build couchbase-server-7.0.0-3115 contains gocb commit ea723fe with commit message: : Change BestEffortRetry to use Exponential Backoff
CB robot May 13, 2020 at 9:11 AM
Build couchbase-server-6.6.0-7624 contains gocbcore commit c6e079e with commit message: : Change BestEffortRetry to Exponential Backoff
CB robot March 6, 2020 at 3:16 AM
Build couchbase-server-7.0.0-1513 contains gocbcore commit c6e079e with commit message: : Change BestEffortRetry to Exponential Backoff
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The SDK currently uses the fixed backoff calculator rather than the expected one for the best effort retry strategy. The fixed backoff is intended specifically for immediate retries only.