Seeing "invalid IPv6 address" warnings when trying to connect to a valid Ipv6 address



Seeing warnings like

 when trying to connect to a ipv6 node with its ip address [fd63:6f75:6368:20d4:423d:37c3:e6f7:3fac]

Script to Repo:

we see the above warning and ultimately see after certain number of retries:

Have attached the log with sdk debug enabled.

I was able to reproduce the warning with the standalone script (java client 3.0.5) 

Sometimes here with this script it does connect(with or without retries), sometimes it doesn't.

with the hostname given instead of Ipv6 address, it always works fine - ie;


Centos 7 64 bit: Couchbase Enterprise 7.0.0-2351

Gerrit Reviews


Release Notes Description






David Nault July 13, 2020 at 8:25 PM

Adding a link to the same issue in the DCP client. For reference, the DCP client inserts square brackets when replacing the $HOST placeholder with an IPv6 literal.

Michael Nitschinger July 13, 2020 at 4:33 PM

I'll mark this as resolved because I think I got it fixed on master. Will be part of the next release, if it still happens please reopen!

Sumedh Basarkod July 10, 2020 at 12:41 PM

I have not been able to reproduce the error yet with multi node. Hence could not gather the config during the error condition. However I have the config when it passes without any failure here.

 Here the ips are enclosed within the square brackets [] and it seems to have worked fine without any error.
Will update the failure scenario's config if I hit into one with multi node cluster setup. 


Michael Nitschinger July 10, 2020 at 7:05 AM

if you could also attach a multi node config, that would be great - thank you!

Sumedh Basarkod July 9, 2020 at 7:31 PM

, I'm attaching the terse bucket config for a single node cluster 

 for now. (code fails for this configuration as well with invalid Ipv6 address error as above). I'm guessing a terse bucket config with multi node cluster would provide more info? If that's the case, I'll try to reproduce on a multi node cluster to attach the terse bucket config. Let me know if anything else is needed.

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Zendesk Support

Created June 23, 2020 at 10:27 AM
Updated July 13, 2020 at 8:25 PM
Resolved July 13, 2020 at 4:33 PM