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  1. Couchbase Kubernetes
  2. K8S-1286

Platform based intelligent installation with phonehome



    • New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Minor
    • .major
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Our documentation shows which versions are appropriate for which K8S releases. However, we currently leave it up to the user to look in the documentation, download the correct software bundle, apply the right image with either `cao` or `cbopcfg`. If the user selects too new an image, it will fail. If the user selects too old an image, they will be open to other bugs.

      The idea here would be to have `cao` or whatever modern tool we use, introspect the K8S environment it's running in, then call an online service hosted by Couchbase, to rules-engine style attempt to work out the newest supported version for the particular environment. Over time, this service could also be enhanced to give details about known issues and, if the user opts in, give us details about the type of PV providers and other info.

      If we fully decouple, one benefit here is that we can ship a new set of Operator/Sidecars within a version (where we don't change CRD) and we don't need to ship a new software bundle. In fact, we may be able to decouple it even further and then one could brew install something like caoctl, and given a K8S environment, do a `caoctl inspect -f template.yaml`, edit/verify and `kubectl apply -f template.yaml`. It's a bit more complicated since we depend on a pause between DAC and operator installation, but this describes the possibilities.


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            malarky Chris Malarky
            ingenthr Matt Ingenthron
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