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  1. Couchbase Kubernetes
  2. K8S-3079

CAO: Should have a upload option



    • Finish 2.5.0 - Begin 2.6.0
    • 3


      A number of user struggle to upload logs, they get the steps wrong, the curl upload command does not provided any feedback.

      It's important to make this process as simple and quick as possible.

      The steps as they stand today:

      To help us investigate this issue, please could you collect Couchbase Autonomous Operator logs from your deployment? This can be done with a cao collect-logs command which uses the cao tool present within the Couchbase Autonomous Operator package. The cao tool tool provides a method to collect logs and resource definitions for Couchbase Autonomous Operator support.

      Couchbase Autonomous Operator Logs

      To collect logs using the cao tool, first please ensure you have downloaded and unpacked the Couchbase Autonomous Operator Package on the same machine where you normally run kubectl or oc. The cao tool can be found in the bin directory of the Operator package after this has been unpacked. Logs can then be collected using the following command, replacing <namespace> with the namespace the Operator is deployed in:
      bin/cao collect-logs --all --log-level 1 -n <namespace>

      Once collected, the logs can then be uploaded using curl.

      Then the curl would be

      curl --upload-file <FILE NAME> https://uploads.couchbase.com/bigstuff/1234/

      On the curl if successful it does not print anything, which is very unix like but not a great user experience as the upload is not instance. This is something support can look into further but I want to highlight the whole process


      To follow what Couchbase Server and SyncGateway do. It has the ability to collect and upload the logs too. If there issues with the upload, is still has the logs locally, so the user can fall back to manual upload


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            yusuf.ramzan Yusuf Ramzan
            pvarley Patrick Varley (Inactive)
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