List of current tickets related to test failures (test problems or code problems) found during 2.6.0 testing.
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- is parent task of
K8S-3213 XDCR tests failing on Openshift
- Open
K8S-3214 Persistent Volume tests don't work on Azure
- Open
K8S-3215 Investigate logging test failures
- Open
K8S-3247 TestServerGroupAutoFailover failing on GKE on 2.6.0
- Resolved
K8S-3249 TestPersistentVolumeRzaFailover is failing on GKE with 2.6.0
- Resolved
K8S-3255 Autoscale Tests Failing on Openshift with 2.6.0
- Resolved
K8S-3286 Possible problem in backup for S3
- Resolved
K8S-3224 Testing: Openshift pipeline failing due to lack of EIPs
- Closed
K8S-3229 Validation test TestNegValidationCreateCouchbaseBackupRestore failing with no results
- Closed
K8S-3246 TestModifyDataServiceSettings failing all platforms 2.6.0
- Closed
K8S-3248 TestMandatoryMutualTLSRotateCAExpiring failing on GKE with 2.6.0
- Closed
K8S-3287 Possible problem with cluster resizing
- Closed
K8S-3289 PVC mapping failure in build 2.6.0-146
- Closed