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  1. Couchbase Kubernetes
  2. K8S-3517

Add cbbackupmgr log collection as an option to cao collect-logs



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Minor
    • 2.9.0
    • None
    • operator, operator-backup
    • None
    • 3


      It would be helpful for Support if we could automate the procedure for collecting cbbackupmgr logs as outlined here in the docs, adding this as a new option for cao collect-logs.


      1. It's currently a burden to the customer to manually create a job to attach a new pod to their existing backup volume, manually run commands to collect logs and upload them, and clean up afterwards.
      2. The actual cbbackupmgr collect-logs command that the customer needs to run on the new pod can be complex and may require secret information meaning that Support can't simply give them a command to copy and run.
      3. We can simplify collection of both CAO & backup logs and uploading to Support for analysis into one single fixed command for the customer to run.

      In particular on point 2 above, where the customer is using a cloud object store for their backup archive, they need to pass CSP-specific authorization options, stored in a Kubernetes secret. The code to pass the relevant authorization to cbbackupmgr must already exist, as we already need to do so for regular backups/restores to work.


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            justin.ashworth Justin Ashworth
            jack.bakes Jack Bakes
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