cbbackup hang when do backup and restore
Affects versions
Fix versions
Link to Log File, atop/blg, CBCollectInfo, Core dump
Release Notes Description
- 25 Feb 2015, 09:55 PM
- 25 Feb 2015, 09:55 PM
- 25 Feb 2015, 09:55 PM
- 25 Feb 2015, 09:55 PM
- 19 Feb 2015, 06:41 AM
- 19 Feb 2015, 06:41 AM
- 19 Feb 2015, 06:41 AM
Thuan Nguyen June 25, 2015 at 11:51 PM
This bug was fixed
Bin Cui March 12, 2015 at 12:46 AM
When we do backup with same key but different values, ep-engine will treat this case as two different mutations. During restore, we always restore the latest one first and ep-engine will reject the old ones. So the key existing warning are valid. However, we can opt to ignore this warning and unblock automation test.
Bin Cui March 12, 2015 at 12:43 AM
Dave Finlay March 11, 2015 at 9:15 PM
Removing dp label, setting as beta. (Backup and restore is not going to be used as part of DP.)
Still as test blocker - Bin - can you give a quick status on this? Thanks.
Thuan Nguyen March 11, 2015 at 8:49 PMEdited
Found the main issue of this bug.
When do the restore, the execution of command printout so much incorrect information
Create an empty bucket test1
Restore items from bucket default to bucket test1
The restore process printouts so much incorrect information
[root@localhost ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbrestore /tmp/backup http://Administrator:password@ -b default -B test1
2015-03-11 13:41:19,367: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-2506
2015-03-11 13:41:19,367: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-5840
2015-03-11 13:41:19,367: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-2105
2015-03-11 13:41:19,367: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-1456
2015-03-11 13:41:19,368: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-6588
2015-03-11 13:41:19,368: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-2058
2015-03-11 13:41:19,368: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-1108
2015-03-11 13:41:19,368: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-4189
2015-03-11 13:41:19,369: s2 item exists: http://Administrator:password@, key: load_by_id_test-1279
[####################] 100.0% (30000/estimated 30000 msgs)
bucket: default, msgs transferred...
: total | last | per sec
byte : 2321670 | 2321670 | 326783.0
Even though the bucket test1 is empty, there are so many warning message printout saying that item exists in bucket that hang the stdout on the test run in jenkins server.
Is this a Regression?
PagerDuty Incident

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Zendesk Support
Linked Tickets
Zendesk Support

Run cbbackup test on build 1221, backup process hang on backup default bucket
Command is running at
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://Administrator:password@ /tmp/backup -m accu
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