TLS configuration lost on port 11207 Couchbase server restart
1. Set ssl_minimum_protocol to 1.2
2. Confirm the change applied to 11207
3. Restart Couchbase Server
4. Verify the ssl_minimum_protocol configuration still set to 1.2
5. use and confirm port 11207 offer TLS 1.0 / TLS 1.2 / TLS 1.3
6. Attempt to run the command to set the TLS 1.2 again
7. Port 11207 did not change, Port 18092 still offer TLS v1.2 only
8. Reconfigure TLS to 1.1 setting
9. Confirm port 11207 and 18092 both offer TLS v1.1 and v1.2
10. Attempt to run the command to set the TLS 1.2 again
11. Port 11207 did change and offer TLS v1.2 only, Port 18092 still offer both TLS v1.1 and v1.2