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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-21427

[CX] Workbench generates requests that include an error in "creds" array



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Minor
    • 6.0.0
    • CBAS DP
    • analytics
    • Build 283 on Mac
    • Untriaged
    • MacOSX 64-bit
    • Unknown


      In writing documentation, I wanted to check the inputs to the analytics/service REST endpoint. So I fired up the Analytics Workbench and used Chrome Developer Tools to look at the request being sent to the Analytics Service. I was surprised to see that there was an error being generated inside the actual query request itself, in a "creds" array, under the "user" field. The "pass" field is the empty string. The results of the query are generated correctly, although in my test case, no bucket password is configured. Confirmed the same behavior on the Docker image, which for me is build 270.

      Sample below.

      	"statement":"SELECT \"Hello, beer!\" AS greeting;",
      	"creds":[{"user":"local:Error retrieving list of buckets: [{\"code\":\"1\",\"msg\":\"Syntax error: In line 1 >>select max(keyspace_id) id, max(has_primary) has_prim, max(has_second) has_sec, max(secondary_indexes) sec_ind from ( select indexes.keyspace_id, true has_primary  from system:indexes where is_primary = true and state = 'online'  union  select indexes.keyspace_id, true has_second, array_agg(indexes.index_key) secondary_indexes  from system:indexes where state = 'online' and is_primary is missing or is_primary = false group by keyspace_id having keyspace_id is not null  union   select id keyspace_id from system:keyspaces except (select indexes.keyspace_id from system:indexes where state = 'online' union select \\\"\\\" keyspace_id)  ) foo group by keyspace_id having keyspace_id is not null order by keyspace_id<< Encountered \\\":\\\" at column 176. \"}]","pass":""}],


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              will.gardella Will Gardella (Inactive)
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