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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-23118

could ns_server provide a mechanism for nodes to identify themselves?



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • feature-backlog
    • 5.0.0
    • ns_server
    • None


      This is related to MB-22656, MB-22658 and MB-22709.
      Essentially, n1ql clustering has to jump through hoops to determine its own node name and to a lesser degree, names of other nodes.
      Aside from anything else - right now the way n1ql determines node names is such that we can't have more than one n1ql service running per node, or n1ql gets very confused.
      cluster_run right now is a no-no.

      While much of this work is in n1ql - it would be nice if ns_server could a) determine that a go-couchbase request is in fact coming from a n1ql service and b) ascertained that fact, provide go-couchbase with a simple indication that "this is node is, in fact, YOU"

      This could be done via an ad-hoc endpoint (which could be used by other services as well, if they have any such needs), or maybe a specific field not too dissimilar to thisNode (which can't be reliably used for this purpose, as it indicates the node that is being queried, not the node that queries, and the two are not necessarily the same).

      If there is any such method already, do let me know!


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            dfinlay Dave Finlay
            marco.greco Marco Greco (Inactive)
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            4 Start watching this issue



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