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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-23531

cbbackupmgr only backup half data in bucket



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Critical
    • 4.6.2
    • 4.5.1
    • tools
    • None
    • Centos 7.2 64bit
    • Triaged
    • Centos 64-bit
    • Yes


      Install Couchbase Server 4.5.1-2861 on 2 centos 7.2 servers.

      Create a cluster of 2 nodes. 

      Create default bucket.

      Load 100K items into bucket with key start with "1-"

      Delete 50K items with key start with "1-"

      Load another 50K items with key start with "2-"

      Check if delete keys still in vbucket 0

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couch_dbdump /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default/0.couch.1 | grep deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
           doc deleted
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Backup default bucket.  Only half keys (50K) backup.

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --repo test --archive /tmp/backup/
       Size      Items          Name
       40.54MB   -              + test
       40.54MB   -                  + 2017-03-24T08_27_32.869324048-07_00
       40.54MB   -                      + default
       295B      0                          bucket-config.json
       40.54MB   50000                      + data
       40.54MB   50000                          shard_0.fdb
       2B        0                          full-text.json
       190B      0                          gsi.json
       2B        0                          views.json
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Purge deletes from all vbuckets.

      /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcompact compact $i --dropdeletes --purge-only-upto-seq=100000
      /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcompact compact $i --dropdeletes --purge-only-upto-seq=100000

      Check if delete keys not in bucket any more.  No deleted items in vbucket 0

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/couch_dbdump /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/data/default/0.couch.3 | grep deleted
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Load another 25K items with key start "3-"

      Check total items in default bucket.

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats all | grep curr_items
       curr_items:                                            125000
       curr_items_tot:                                        250000
       vb_active_curr_items:                                  125000
       vb_pending_curr_items:                                 0
       vb_replica_curr_items:                                 125000

      Do backup again

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --repo test --archive /tmp/backup/ --host --username Administrator --password password
      Backing up to 2017-03-24T08_51_42.963424869-07_00
      Copied all data in 3s (Avg. 417.09KB/Sec)                                                                                                                                                                     12500 items / 1.22MB
      default                 [================================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
      Backup successfully completed
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Check backup data

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr list --repo test --archive /tmp/backup/
       Size      Items          Name
       59.67MB   -              + test
       40.54MB   -                  + 2017-03-24T08_27_32.869324048-07_00
       40.54MB   -                      + default
       295B      0                          bucket-config.json
       40.54MB   50000                      + data
       40.54MB   50000                          shard_0.fdb
       2B        0                          full-text.json
       190B      0                          gsi.json
       2B        0                          views.json
       19.13MB   -                  + 2017-03-24T08_51_42.963424869-07_00
       19.13MB   -                      + default
       295B      0                          bucket-config.json
       19.13MB   12500                      + data
       19.13MB   12500                          shard_0.fdb
       2B        0                          full-text.json
       190B      0                          gsi.json
       2B        0                          views.json
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Delete default bucket and re-create default bucket

      Restore data back to default bucket.  Only half data restore back to default bucket.

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --repo test --archive /tmp/backup/ --host --username Administrator --password password
      (1/2) Restoring backup 2017-03-24T08_27_32.869324048-07_00
      Copied all data in 5.01s (Avg. 1.27MB/Sec)                                                                                                                                                                    75000 items / 6.36MB
      default                 [================================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
      (2/2) Restoring backup 2017-03-24T08_51_42.963424869-07_00
      Copied all data in 3s (Avg. 409.16KB/Sec)                                                                                                                                                                     12500 items / 1.20MB
      default                 [================================================================================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
      Restore completed successfully
      [root@s44017 ~]#

      Check current items in bucket

      [root@s44017 ~]# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats all | grep curr_items
       curr_items:                                            62500
       curr_items_tot:                                        125000
       vb_active_curr_items:                                  62500
       vb_pending_curr_items:                                 0
       vb_replica_curr_items:                                 62500
      [root@s44017 ~]#




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