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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-23889

Setup Wizard is too simple and should introduce RBAC and buckets




      There are two main users of the wizard, people that have never used Couchbase Server before and returning users.

      With the simplification of the wizard I think we really hurt our 1st time user experience and further more by not introducing them early to RBAC we will confuse them.

      RBAC is a complex topic but it is an important one for creating a secure environment, security works best when it is user friendly and that should start of in the wizard.

      The goal of a 1st time user is to get up and running with the correct (secure) configuration as soon as possible.

      With that in mind let's run through a situation as a 1st time user who wants to write a hello world application

      1. Install Couchbase Server and fill in the wizard
      2. Write a script using one of our hello world guides
      3. Script fails because there is no bucket
      4. The user creates the bucket
      5. Script fails again because there is no user
      6. The user creates the user
      7. The script finally works

      There are a number of problems with this flow:

      1. The user is context switching between the UI and trying to
      2. The user is learning through failure (This might be better when the guides get updated)
      3. It makes the hello world guides a lot harder to write, i.e should they be talking about RBAC and buckets?

      My suggestion is that in the wizard the user is given the option to continue on and create the bucket and then the user, introducing RBAC.

      With this suggestion if we run the same situation:

      1. Install Couchbase Server
      2. Fill in the setup wizard (which creates a bucket and user)
      3. Executes the hello world script


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