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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-27381

cbtransfer failed to run on server with ipv6 address



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Major
    • 5.5.0
    • 5.5.0
    • tools
    • None
    • centos 7.4 64-bit
    • Untriaged
    • No


      cbtransfer crashes when using IPv6 via IP or hostname.

      Backtrace when using hostname:

      [root@s10501-ip6 bin]# ./cbtransfer http://s10501-ip6.qe.couchbase.com:8091  /tmp/backup/ -u Administrator -p password 
      Exception in thread w0:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 812, in __bootstrap_inner
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 765, in run
          self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 345, in run_worker
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 403, in run
          rv_batch, batch = self.source.provide_batch()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump_dcp.py", line 225, in provide_batch
          rv = self.get_dcp_conn()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump_dcp.py", line 486, in get_dcp_conn
          err, self.dcp_conn = pump.get_mcd_conn(host, port, username, password, bucket)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 1106, in get_mcd_conn
          conn = cb_bin_client.MemcachedClient(host, port)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/cb_bin_client.py", line 45, in __init__
          self.s.connect_ex((host, port))
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/socket.py", line 224, in meth
          return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
      gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

      Backtrace and log when using IP:

      [root@s10501-ip6 bin]# ./cbtransfer  http://[fd63:6f75:6368:20d3:ac3c:257e:9c5:6619]:8091 /tmp/backup  -u Administrator -p password 
      2017-12-29 16:05:59,384: mt "6f75" is not int, reset it to default port number
      2017-12-29 16:05:59,405: mt "6f75" is not int, reset it to default port number
      2017-12-29 16:05:59,406: mt "6f75" is not int, reset it to default port number
      Exception in thread w0:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 812, in __bootstrap_inner
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/threading.py", line 765, in run
          self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 345, in run_worker
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 403, in run
          rv_batch, batch = self.source.provide_batch()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump_dcp.py", line 225, in provide_batch
          rv = self.get_dcp_conn()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump_dcp.py", line 486, in get_dcp_conn
          err, self.dcp_conn = pump.get_mcd_conn(host, port, username, password, bucket)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/pump.py", line 1106, in get_mcd_conn
          conn = cb_bin_client.MemcachedClient(host, port)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/cb_bin_client.py", line 45, in __init__
          self.s.connect_ex((host, port))
        File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/socket.py", line 224, in meth
          return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
      gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

      Do note the extra logging about the port number being incorrect.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Install Couchbase Server 5.5.0-1607 on a centos 7.4 with ipv6 enable.
      2. Create default bucket.
      3. Load data to default bucket.
      4. Run cbtransfer to transfer data out of default bucket. Failed to run in both: hex format and hostname

        cbtransfer http://s10501-ip6.qe.couchbase.com:8091  /tmp/backup/ -u Administrator -p password
        cbtransfer  http://[fd63:6f75:6368:20d3:ac3c:257e:9c5:6619]:8091 /tmp/backup  -u Administrator -p password 


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