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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-28289

need a command that does exactly what DCP_GET_FAILOVER_LOG does but works on non dcp connection



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 5.5.0
    • 5.5.0
    • memcached
    • None
    • Untriaged
    • Unknown


      DCP_GET_FAILOVER_LOG over non DCP connection
      This command is used in _pre_replicate handler for xdcr, and we have to open DCP producer connection just to get the failover log (and keep a pool of those just for this command only).

      Is it possible to introduce a command that does the same but works via regular connection like the one we create in ns_memcached:connect ?

      I don't see any reason why not

      (I actually don't see any reason why the DCP_GET_FAILOVER_LOG should be bound to an open DCP connection in the first place, as it isn't bound to the internal state of the dcp stream. The documentation ( https://github.com/couchbaselabs/dcp-documentation/blob/master/documentation/commands/failover-log.md ) doesn't even mention that it needs to be an open DCP stream, but the implementation does check for it).

      Dave Rigby:
      I’ve looked at the code and the only reason I can see why it requires a DCP Producer stream is because it wouldn’t make sense to ask a a Consumer stream for a failover log - however that’s somewhat of an academic distinction.

      I can’t see any issue in adding support for asking for the failover log without a DCP connection.

      @Artem: Please could you raise an improvement MB with exactly what you’d like the standalone “get failover log” command to do - and how soon you need this for.


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              artem Artem Stemkovski
              artem Artem Stemkovski
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