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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-29850

Node initialization API allows you to change index/cbas path of running (active) node



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 6.5.0
    • 5.1.0, 5.5.0
    • ns_server
    • Untriaged
    • Unknown


      From experimentation I noticed that it was possible to change the index path of a running node (which already has indexes).

      A trivial reproduction case is to do the following:

      1. Create a single-node cluster with query+index enabled, do not alter the paths.
      2. Create a few indexes
      3. Create the directory '/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/index' and give ownership to couchbase:couchbase.
      4. Run the following couchbase-cli command to change the index path:

        /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init -c localhost:8091 -u Administrator -p password --node-init-index-path="/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/index"

      5. The indexer will then restart (due to ns_server closing its goports as part of the restart) and pickup the newly specified path and all previous indexes will be 'lost'.

      While this is not a very common scenario, there are definitely situations where this could happen, for example misunderstanding the node initialization API/sending the wrong hostname or IP/bad automation.

      Reviewing the code (vulcan, although pre-vulcan is mostly the same) it's because we are only checking if the database path has changed:

              {ok, DefaultDbPath} = ns_storage_conf:this_node_dbdir(),
              DbPathChanged = DbPath =/= DefaultDbPath,
              Provisioned = ns_config_auth:is_system_provisioned(),
              NodeStatus = ns_cluster_membership:get_cluster_membership(node()),
              case DbPathChanged and Provisioned and (NodeStatus =/= inactiveAdded) of
                  true ->
                      %% MB-7344: we had 1.8.1 instructions allowing that. And
                      %% 2.0 works very differently making that original
                      %% instructions lose data. Thus we decided it's much safer
                      %% to un-support this path.
                      Msg = "Changing data of nodes that are part of provisioned "
                            "cluster is not supported",
                      erlang:throw({error, [Msg]});
                  _ ->

      ref: https://github.com/couchbase/ns_server/blob/291f3fb3926715bca2e66362a632e6fc7c01e1e0/src/menelaus_web_node.erl#L592

      Perhaps I'm looking at the situation naively, but why don't we just prevent path changes if the node is provisioned and not inactiveAdded? I can't think of a legitimate scenario where you would want to change the index or CBAS path of an active node.

      If there's a reason that the API is designed this way then I'm happy to accept that, I just can't personally see what benefits it's adding compared to the potential disastrous consequences.


        For Gerrit Dashboard: MB-29850
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            ritesh.agarwal Ritesh Agarwal
            matt.carabine Matt Carabine (Inactive)
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