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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-36979

Planner not considering all indexer nodes for placement of index partitions




      Build : 6.5.0-4821
      Last known good build : 6.5.0-4744

      Some of the automated partitioned index tests are failing as the test expects the partitions to be spread across all eligible indexer nodes. But recently there is a change in the planner due to which the partitions are not spread across ALL eligible nodes, but only some. This can be easily reproduced with the following scenario:

      1. Setup a 4 node cluster with index service on all 4 nodes.
      2. Install beer-sample bucket and drop the primary index that gets created as part of the sample bucket.
      3. So now we have 4 indexer nodes with no indexes.
      4. Create a partitioned index : create index idx1 on `beer-sample`(name,city) partition by hash(meta().id)
      5. This index should be created with 8 partitions spread across all 4 nodes since all 4 nodes should be considered good by the planner.

      The index gets created with partitions spread across only 2 nodes. The other 2 nodes do not have any partitions for this index.

      The tests are designed to validate that in such cases, all 4 nodes are eligible to receive some partitions. These are failing as the planner is not using all 4 nodes for placement of partitions.

      This can be related to MB-36964


        Issue Links

          For Gerrit Dashboard: MB-36979
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              amit.kulkarni Amit Kulkarni
              mihir.kamdar Mihir Kamdar (Inactive)
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              7 Start watching this issue



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