Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase Server'
  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-37067

Query: index with online state cannot be used.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • bug-backlog
    • 6.5.0
    • secondary-index
    • None


      Build: 6.5.0-4874

      Cluster is:

      node 1: kv, n1ql, index

      node 2:kv, n1ql, index

      I'm creating a bucket, filling it with 2016 documents.

      Then I'm creating primary index and waiting for this index to become online:


      [2019-11-26 12:34:35,716] - [tuq:1034] INFO - RUN QUERY select * from system:indexes


      Right after index becomes online:

      [2019-11-26 12:34:35,765] - [tuq:1080] INFO - TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: 19.389412ms
      ##### INDEX STATE ::{u'status': u'success', u'metrics': {u'elapsedTime': u'19.389412ms', u'executionTime': u'19.298518ms', u'resultSize': 207, u'resultCount': 1}, u'results': [{u'indexes': {u'namespace_id': u'default', u'name': u'#primary', u'using': u'gsi', u'is_primary': True, u'keyspace_id': u'default', u'state': u'online', u'index_key': [], u'datastore_id': u'', u'id': u'36f338f6fdcb1686'}}], u'requestID': u'8d683fd5-c62e-4585-bcc2-3cdcf3693e1a', u'signature': {u'*': u'*'}}::

      I'm trying to run the following query:

      [2019-11-26 12:34:35,787] - [tuq:1034] INFO - RUN QUERY select meta().id from default limit 10

      And that's what I'm gettiing:

      [2019-11-26 12:34:52,897] - [rest_client:840] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==\n'} error: 500 reason: unknown {
      "requestID": "217d080b-2687-4654-838e-50898d433226",
      "signature": {"id":"json"},
      "results": [
      "errors": [{"code":5000,"msg":" Index not found from [] - cause: Index not found from []"}],
      "status": "errors",
      "metrics": {"elapsedTime": "17.043384117s","executionTime": "17.043344892s","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"errorCount": 1}
      } auth: Administrator:password
      [2019-11-26 12:34:52,899] - [tuq:1313] INFO - CBQError: host ERROR:{u'status': u'errors', u'errors': [{u'msg': u' Index not found from [] - cause: Index not found from []', u'code': 5000}], u'results': [], u'metrics': {u'elapsedTime': u'17.043384117s', u'executionTime': u'17.043344892s', u'resultSize': 0, u'resultCount': 0, u'errorCount': 1}, u'requestID': u'217d080b-2687-4654-838e-50898d433226', u'signature': {u'id': u'json'}}
      [2019-11-26 12:34:53,006] - [tuq:1034] INFO - RUN QUERY SELECT meta().id FROM default
      [2019-11-26 12:34:53,007] - [rest_client:3440] INFO - query params : scan_consistency=REQUEST_PLUS&statement=SELECT+meta%28%29.id+FROM+default
      [2019-11-26 12:34:53,042] - [rest_client:840] ERROR - POST body: headers: {'Authorization': 'Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpwYXNzd29yZA==\n'} error: 404 reason: unknown {
      "requestID": "5e7afa2c-9d66-4257-8e9a-abb2e53a82f8",
      "errors": [{"code":4000,"msg":"No index available on keyspace default that matches your query. Use CREATE INDEX or CREATE PRIMARY INDEX to create an index, or check that your expected index is online."}],
      "status": "fatal",
      "metrics": {"elapsedTime": "3.373831ms","executionTime": "3.310468ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"errorCount": 1}
      } auth: Administrator:password

      Cluster logs are attached.


        For Gerrit Dashboard: MB-37067
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            amit.kulkarni Amit Kulkarni
            evgeny.makarenko Evgeny Makarenko (Inactive)
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