Resolution: Fixed
Build: 6.5.0-4959 not seen on 6.5.0-4947
Test: MH longevity
Cycle: 9th
Day: 3rd
[2019-12-24T03:34:48-08:00, sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:f2c80b] / 8096 mad-hatter/bucket_op_curl_integration.json Administrator password pause true
Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:[/ 8096 mad-hatter/bucket_op_curl_integration.json Administrator password pause true]
docker logs f2c80b
docker start f2c80b
#Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/", line 371, in <module>
' File "/", line 29, in run
I response = self.perform_eventing_lifecycle_operation(app_definition)
H File "/", line 82, in perform_eventing_lifecycle_operation
4 raise Exception("Failed to deploy application")
(Exception: Failed to deploy application
App definition :
{u'appcode': u'function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {\n dst_bucket[]="curl bucket op";\n var request = {\n\tpath : \'job/test_suite_executor/api/json?tree=jobs[component]\'\n };\n if ("_")){\n var id ="_")[1];\n if(parseInt(id)%5==0){\n while(true){\n try {\n \tvar response = curl("GET", server, request);\n \tlog(\'response body received from server:\', response.body);\n \tlog(\'response headers received from server:\', response.headers);\n \tlog(\'response status received from server:\', response.status);\n \tvar res= new Uint8Array(response.body);\n \tif(response.status == 200){\n \t \tbreak; \n \t }\n }catch (e) {\n \t log(\'error:\', e);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n\nfunction OnDelete(meta) {\n delete dst_bucket[];\n var request = {\n\tpath : \'job/test_suite_executor/api/json?tree=jobs[component]\'\n };\n if ("_")){\n var id ="_")[1];\n if(parseInt(id)%5==0){\n while(true){\n try {\n \tvar response = curl("GET", server, request);\n \tlog(\'response body received from server:\', response.body);\n \tlog(\'response headers received from server:\', response.headers);\n \tlog(\'response status received from server:\', response.status);\n \tvar res= new Uint8Array(response.body);\n \tif(response.status == 200){\n \t \tbreak; \n \t }\n }catch (e) {\n \t log(\'error:\', e);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}', u'appname': u'bucket_op_curl', u'settings': {u'language_compatibility': u'6.5.0', u'execution_timeout': 20, u'log_level': u'INFO', u'processing_status': False, u'dcp_stream_boundary': u'from_now', u'deadline_timeout': 62, u'deployment_status': False}, u'depcfg': {u'buckets': [{u'access': u'rw', u'alias': u'dst_bucket', u'bucket_name': u'ITEM'}], u'source_bucket': u'default', u'curl': [{u'auth_type': u'no-auth', u'username': u'', u'bearer_key': u'', u'hostname': u'', u'validate_ssl_certificate': False, u'value': u'server', u'allow_cookies': False, u'password': u''}], u'metadata_bucket': u'NEW_ORDER'}}
"code": 36,
"description": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed",
"attributes": null,
"runtime_info": {
"code": 36,
"info": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed"
z} {'date': 'Tue, 24 Dec 2019 11:34:52 GMT', 'status': '406', 'content-length': '406', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
False {
"code": 36,
"description": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed",
"attributes": null,
"runtime_info": {
"code": 36,
"info": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed"
z} {'date': 'Tue, 24 Dec 2019 11:34:52 GMT', 'status': '406', 'content-length': '406', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
[2019-12-24T03:35:01-08:00, sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:b52c9d] / 8096 mad-hatter/timer_op_n1ql.json Administrator password pause true
Error occurred on container - sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:[/ 8096 mad-hatter/timer_op_n1ql.json Administrator password pause true]
docker logs b52c9d
docker start b52c9d
#Traceback (most recent call last):
App definition :
|{u'using_timer': True, u'appname': u'timer_op', u'settings': {u'language_compatibility': u'6.5.0', u'execution_timeout': 60, u'log_level': u'INFO', u'processing_status': False, u'dcp_stream_boundary': u'from_now', u'deadline_timeout': 62, u'deployment_status': False}, u'appcode': u'function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {\n var expiry = new Date();\n expiry.setSeconds(expiry.getSeconds() + 30);\n if ("_")){\n var id ="_")[1];\n if(parseInt(id)%5==0){\n var context = {docID :, random_text : \'e6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0\'};\n createTimer(timerCallback, expiry,, context);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction OnDelete(meta) {\n var expiry = new Date();\n expiry.setSeconds(expiry.getSeconds() + 30);\n if ("_")){\n var id ="_")[1];\n if(parseInt(id)%5==0){\n var context = {docID :};\n createTimer(NDtimerCallback, expiry,, context);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction NDtimerCallback(context) {\n var select_query = SELECT * FROM default USE KEYS[$context.docID];\n for (var r of select_query) {\n }\n log("deleting: ",context.docID);\n delete dst_bucket[context.docID];\n}\nfunction timerCallback(context) {\n var select_query = SELECT * FROM default USE KEYS[$context.docID];\n for (var r of select_query) {\n log("creating: ",context.docID);\n dst_bucket[context.docID] = \'from timerCallback\';\n }\n}\n', u'src_mutation': False, u'depcfg': {u'buckets': [{u'access': u'rw', u'alias': u'dst_bucket', u'bucket_name': u'WAREHOUSE'}], u'source_bucket': u'default', u'curl': [], u'metadata_bucket': u'NEW_ORDER'}}
"code": 36,
"description": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed",
"attributes": null,
"runtime_info": {
"code": 36,
"info": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed"
z} {'date': 'Tue, 24 Dec 2019 11:35:05 GMT', 'status': '406', 'content-length': '406', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
False {
"code": 36,
"description": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed",
"attributes": null,
"runtime_info": {
"code": 36,
"info": "Rebalance ongoing on some/all Eventing nodes, creating new functions, deployment or undeployment of existing functions is not allowed"
z} {'date': 'Tue, 24 Dec 2019 11:35:05 GMT', 'status': '406', 'content-length': '406', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
- File "/", line 371, in <module>
' File "/", line 29, in run
I response = self.perform_eventing_lifecycle_operation(app_definition)
H File "/", line 82, in perform_eventing_lifecycle_operation
4 raise Exception("Failed to deploy application")
(Exception: Failed to deploy application
Last rebalance which completed 10 min before was analytics rebalance
[2019-12-24T03:18:01-08:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:6.5:2e2286] server-add -c --server-add -u Administrator -p password --server-add-username Administrator --server-add-password password --services analytics
[2019-12-24T03:18:16-08:00, sequoiatools/couchbase-cli:6.5:f351d1] rebalance -c --server-remove -u Administrator -p password
warning using 'json' filter: unexpected end of JSON input []
[2019-12-24T03:24:30-08:00, sequoiatools/cmd:6c785c] 60
eventing : 3 ===== > []
Although Resume passed
[2019-12-24T07:46:21-08:00, sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:973910] / 8096 mad-hatter/bucket_op_curl_integration.json Administrator password resume true
[2019-12-24T07:47:04-08:00, sequoiatools/eventing:6.5:da0b96] / 8096 mad-hatter/timer_op_n1ql.json Administrator password resume true
Issue Links
- is a backport of
MB-37345 [System Test]: Pausing failed with ERR_REBALANCE_ONGOING
- Closed