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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-39827

Need to update documentation to highlight sharing information



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      Following text written by Eben Haber originally appeared in MB-38624

      We can move forward with this approach of having users opt out rather than opt in. A few edits to the notification in the man page:

      Let’s update the lead in to also call out the sharing of usage information;
      Reference to the settings notification man page on how to turn this feature off post creation of a new cluster; and
      Reference to the Privacy FAQ in the product documentation and Privacy Policy.

      I have reflected the above principles below. Bold edits are additions and strikethrough are deletions.

      Specifies whether or not software update notifications sharing of usage information should be enabled. To enable notifications set this flag to "1". To disable notifications set this flag to "0". By default*,* it's enabled and notifications will be displayed in the Couchbase web console when a new version of Couchbase Server is available. This system also collects information about use and experience with the product every time an administrator interacts with the administrator user interface. It collects configuration, usage and performance data, including cluster information (such as settings and configuration, software version, cluster ID, load levels, and resource quotas), and browser and network information (such as IP address, inferred geolocation only at the city level, and browser type). This does not allow Couchbase to track your specific interactions or usage of the Couchbase Server. It Couchbase never accesses or collects any data stored within the Couchbase Server cluster. You can disable this feature at any time by following the instructions provided in the man page for “couchbase-cli-setting-notification.” For more information on this feature, please see the “Couchbase Server Privacy FAQ” in the product documentation, which supplements the Couchbase Privacy Policy available online.

      I am open to edits to the wording if this reads funny from a users POV but the substance should remain.

      Please let me know if there any questions or comments.


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