Feedback from Perry
A couple things would help:
1) being able to run (and step through?) a function with a specific doc id. I guess this is possible today with the Chrome debugger, but it feels a little cumbersome to undeploy the function, open the debugger, go find the doc that you want to use, edit/save it, and then go back to the debugger. That might be necessary for deeper analysis, but there are many simpler cases.
2) It would be super-cool to have a nodejs console right in Eventing so that I could do some little micro-testing right in the same area where I'm developing the function. Right now I'm bouncing back and forth between a node command-line, watching my log output and the Couchbase UI
3) Logging: Perhaps it would be better to expose the logs in a different kind of interface, what about within the Chrome console/debugger? Also on logging...the application logging desperately needs log levels and the ability to dynamically change it on the function settings.