Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase Server'
  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-45487

cbcollect_info --tmp-dir option not working if the /tmp dir is out of disk space



    • Untriaged
    • 1
    • Unknown


      Encountered a case in the system testing clusters where due to the core dumps generated by MB-45459, the / partition on which couchbase was installed and /tmp partition resides was out of disk space.

      [root@localhost ~]# df -kh
      Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/centos-root   31G   31G   20K 100% /
      devtmpfs                  12G     0   12G   0% /dev
      tmpfs                     12G     0   12G   0% /dev/shm
      tmpfs                     12G  1.4G   11G  12% /run
      tmpfs                     12G     0   12G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
      /dev/xvdb1               170G  1.8G  169G   2% /data
      /dev/xvda1               497M  232M  266M  47% /boot
      tmpfs                    2.4G     0  2.4G   0% /run/user/0

      To collect logs for this issue, tried to run the cbcollect_info cmd specifying the --tmp_dir parameter

      /opt/couchbase/bin/cbcollect_info /data/tmp/outputfile.zip --upload-host=uploads.couchbase.com --customer=MB-45459 --tmp-dir /data/tmp/

      This fails with the following error :

      Rebalance Report: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs/rebalance/rebalance_report_2021-04-05T02:47:25Z.json () - OK
      Rebalance Report: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs/rebalance/rebalance_report_2021-04-05T04:23:57Z.json () - OK
      Rebalance Report: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs/rebalance/rebalance_report_2021-04-05T06:55:15Z.json () - OK
      Rebalance Report: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs/rebalance/rebalance_report_2021-04-05T16:55:11Z.json () - OK
      Rebalance Report: /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs/rebalance/rebalance_report_2021-04-05T20:05:11Z.json () - OK
      NS Log () - OK
      Phosphor Trace (['kv_trace_dump', '-H', '', '-u', '@ns_server', 'kv_trace.json']) - Exit code 1
      Removing existing snapshot directory '/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/stats_data/snapshots'
      Failed to create prometheus snapshot: 7
      cbcollect_info log () - OK
      Removing existing snapshot directory '/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/stats_data/snapshots'
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/cbcollect_info", line 2188, in <module>
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/cbcollect_info", line 2160, in main
          do_upload_and_exit(zip_filename, upload_url, options.upload_proxy)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/cbcollect_info", line 1735, in do_upload_and_exit
          output_fd, output_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/runtime/lib/python3.9/tempfile.py", line 325, in mkstemp
          prefix, suffix, dir, output_type = _sanitize_params(prefix, suffix, dir)
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/runtime/lib/python3.9/tempfile.py", line 118, in _sanitize_params
          dir = gettempdir()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/runtime/lib/python3.9/tempfile.py", line 287, in gettempdir
          tempdir = _get_default_tempdir()
        File "/opt/couchbase/lib/python/runtime/lib/python3.9/tempfile.py", line 219, in _get_default_tempdir
          raise FileNotFoundError(_errno.ENOENT,
      FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/tmp']

      /data/tmp has the correct permissions and ownership as well -

      [root@localhost tmp]# ls -la /data/
      total 4
      drwxrwxrwx.  5 couchbase couchbase   49 Apr  5 15:22 .
      dr-xr-xr-x. 19 root      root      4096 Oct 28  2019 ..
      drwxrwxrwx.  2 couchbase couchbase    6 Apr  3 21:06 archive
      drwxrwxrwx. 14 couchbase couchbase  188 Apr  5 01:54 couchbase
      drwxrwxrwx.  2 couchbase couchbase    6 Apr  5 17:01 tmp


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            thuan Thuan Nguyen
            mihir.kamdar Mihir Kamdar (Inactive)
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