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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-51050

[QWB][UDF UI] Text editor overlapped by footer panel containing the Cancel and Save buttons



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Critical
    • 7.1.0
    • 7.1.0
    • query_tools, UI
    • Untriaged
    • 1
    • Unknown
    • UI 2022-Feb


      Build : 7.1.0-2314

      On the UDF UI on the Query workbench, if there are more than 30 lines of code, with the default size of the popup window, scrolling has issues. You cannot see the last few lines because the footer panel containing the buttons Cancel and Save overlaps the text editor. The user has to then resize the window. Following is the library code that I used to repro this issue :

      function random_index_on_bucket(bkt) {
          try {
              var iter =  select name,keyspace_id,scope_id from system:all_indexes where `bucket_id` = $bkt and `using`='gsi';
              let indexes = [];
              for (const row of iter) {
              random_index = indexes[Math.floor(Math.random() * indexes.length)];
          } catch (err) {
              throw "Error getting random index : " + err       
          return random_index
      function run_n1ql_query(bucket_name) {
          // Get a random index from bucket
          var index = random_index_on_bucket(bucket_name);
          // Get index name and keyspace
          var idx_name = index["name"];
          var idx_template = idx_name.split("_")[0];
          var scope_name = index["scope_id"];
          var collection_name = index["keyspace_id"];
          full_keyspace = "`" + bucket_name + "`.`" + scope_name + "`.`" + collection_name + "`"
          try {
              var query = N1QL(query_template(idx_template, full_keyspace), {});
              let iter = query[Symbol.iterator]();
              var result = iter.next();
          } catch(err) {
              n1ql_error = JSON.parse(err.message);
              if (n1ql_error.code == 4000) {
                  return "No index for " + query_template(idx_template, full_keyspace);
              } else {
                  throw err;
          return result.value
      function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
        return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);
      function query_template (index, keyspace) {
          var query_template = {
              "idx1": "select meta().id from keyspacenameplaceholder where country is not null and `type` is not null and (any r in reviews satisfies r.ratings.`Check in / front desk` is not null end) limit 100",
              "idx2": "select avg(price) as AvgPrice, min(price) as MinPrice, max(price) as MaxPrice from keyspacenameplaceholder where free_breakfast=True and free_parking=True and price is not null and array_count(public_likes)>5 and `type`='Hotel' group by country limit 100",
              "idx3": "select city,country,count(*) from keyspacenameplaceholder where free_breakfast=True and free_parking=True group by country,city order by country,city limit 100 offset 100",
              "idx4": "WITH city_avg AS (SELECT city, AVG(price) AS avgprice FROM keyspacenameplaceholder WHERE price IS NOT NULL GROUP BY city) SELECT h.name, h.price FROM keyspacenameplaceholder h JOIN city_avg ON h.city = city_avg.city WHERE h.price < city_avg.avgprice AND h.price IS NOT NULL LIMIT 10;",
              "idx5": "SELECT h.name, h.city, r.author FROM keyspacenameplaceholder h UNNEST reviews AS r WHERE r.ratings.Rooms < 2 AND h.avg_rating >= 3 ORDER BY r.author DESC LIMIT 100;",
              "idx6": "SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE free_breakfast = TRUE) AS count_free_breakfast, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE free_parking = TRUE) AS count_free_parking, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE free_breakfast = TRUE AND free_parking = TRUE) AS count_free_parking_and_breakfast FROM keyspacenameplaceholder WHERE city LIKE 'North%' ORDER BY count_free_parking_and_breakfast DESC LIMIT 10",
              "idx7": "SELECT h.name,h.country,h.city,h.price,DENSE_RANK() OVER (window1) AS `rank` FROM keyspacenameplaceholder AS h WHERE h.price IS NOT NULL WINDOW window1 AS ( PARTITION BY h.country ORDER BY h.price NULLS LAST) LIMIT 10;",
              "idx8": "SELECT * FROM keyspacenameplaceholder AS d WHERE ANY r IN d.reviews SATISFIES r.author LIKE 'M%' AND r.ratings.Cleanliness = 3 END AND free_parking = TRUE AND country IS NOT NULL",
              "idx9": "SELECT * FROM keyspacenameplaceholder AS d WHERE ANY r IN d.reviews SATISFIES r.author LIKE 'M%' and r.ratings.Rooms > 3 END AND free_parking = True",
              "idx10": "SELECT * FROM keyspacenameplaceholder AS d WHERE ANY r IN d.reviews SATISFIES ANY n:v IN r.ratings SATISFIES n = 'Overall' AND v = 2 END END",
              "idx11": "SELECT * FROM keyspacenameplaceholder AS d WHERE ANY r IN d.reviews SATISFIES r.ratings.Rooms = 3 and r.ratings.Cleanliness > 1 END AND free_parking = True"
          return replaceAll(query_template[index],"keyspacenameplaceholder", keyspace);

      Pls see the attached screenshot


        No reviews matched the request. Check your Options in the drop-down menu of this sections header.



            pierre.regazzoni Pierre Regazzoni
            mihir.kamdar Mihir Kamdar (Inactive)
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