Any rbac user having eventing_manage_functions role with no data privileges is attached is unable to modify function settings for any given handler.
steps to reproduce
- Create eventing handler abcd using full admin role.
- Create rbac user user1 having following role.
Manage Scope Functions [*:*]
- Login as user1.
- User is unable to modify function settings, save button is disabled.
- No such issues observed in REST.
curl -k -XPOST -d '{"deployment_status":true,"processing_status":true,"log_level":"TRACE"}' https://user1:asdasd@
"code": 0
- Add following data privileges for user1 in addition to manage scope functions role.
Data Writer [*:*:*] , Data Reader [*:*:*] , Data DCP Reader [*:*:*]
- Login as user1, user is able to modify and save function settings.