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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-57955

New bucket setting for XDCR/mobile co-existence




      As part of XDCR-mobile co-existence, mobile and XDCR will maintain HLV (Hybrid Logical Vector) across clusters. To do that, we need two settings at bucket level.

      First setting is to enable the feature:

      Key: enableCrossClusterVersioning

      Input Behavior:

      • It is a boolean value that can be specified via REST, and toggled via UI.
      • When it is set to true, the system internally should record the max_cas for the VBs corresponding to when the action is set.
      • When it is set to false, the system internally should discard the recorded max_cas.

      Output Behavior

      • the setting value as well as the corresponding max_cas for the VBs should be accessible through a REST command.

      Streaming API Behavior:

      • Any output changes to the setting should be available through stream API /pools/default/bucketsStreaming

      So XDCR does not have to constantly poll ns_server to catch any changes.

      It should also be exposed via /pools/default/buckets/bucketname so Sync Gateway can access it.


      Second setting is for the HLV maintenance:

      Key: versionPruningWindowHrs

      • Minimum: 1 day
      • Maximum: MAXINT

      The setting change should be available through stream API 


      So XDCR does not have to constantly poll ns_server for the value.

      It should also be exposed via 


      So Sync Gateway can access it.


      See "Settings" section in this document for more information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S0WStgbqRGlmwbdNyHn_9qqEqvshPv9WyG8skauJDEc/edit?usp=sharing 


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          For Gerrit Dashboard: MB-57955
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              ayush.nayyar Ayush Nayyar
              lilei.chen Lilei Chen (Inactive)
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