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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-58350

Long running commands during bucket deletion cause memcached to crash in propagateDisconnect()





      As part of the fix for MB-56067, we converted the blocking bucket deletion code into a state machine.

      The state machine should only make progress if the bucket has no clients (connections) associated with it.

      However, there appears to be a bug in the state machine code, where we incorrectly move the state machine to complete bucket deletion, before all clients have disconnected.

      This will happen 2 minutes after the DELETE_BUCKET started executing, due to a missing check for the current number of clients in that code path.

      As a consequence of this, we crash in Connection::propagateDisconnect().


      As a consequence, we only end up waiting for up to 2 minutes for a command to finish execution. If a command takes longer than 2 minutes to complete, we crash. Most operations complete in milliseconds, however, in this case we see a long running COMPACT_DB (explicit compaction) for a Magma bucket, which has taken an abnormally long amout of time, longer than 2 minutes.

      Original description follows

      Steps To Recreate:

      1. Create a 6 node cluster(2 KV , 3 eventing and 1 index:n1ql, )
      2. Create four magma buckets (default, src_bucket, dst_bucket and metadata ) (each with ram_quota = 256 MiB and replicas=1)
      3. Create and deploy eventing function (Eventing nodes ip: ip:]

      saving function b'{\n "code": 0,\n "info": "Function: src_bucket/_default/Function_209033809_test_kv_rebalance_in_when_existing_eventing_node_is_processing_mutation stored in temp store"\n}'
      [2023-08-21 23:38:54,002] - [eventing_base:435] INFO - Deploying the following handler code : Function_209033809_test_kv_rebalance_in_when_existing_eventing_node_is_processing_mutation with 
      bindings: {'buckets': [{'alias': 'dst_bucket', 'bucket_name': 'dst_bucket', 'access': 'rw'}], 'metadata_bucket': 'metadata', 'source_bucket': 'src_bucket', 'curl': []} and 
      settings: {'checkpoint_interval': 20000, 'cleanup_timers': False, 'dcp_stream_boundary': 'everything', 'deployment_status': False, 'description': 'Sample Description', 'log_level': 'INFO', 'skip_timer_threshold': 86400, 'sock_batch_size': 1, 'tick_duration': 5000, 'timer_processing_tick_interval': 500, 'timer_worker_pool_size': 3, 'worker_count': 3, 'processing_status': False, 'cpp_worker_thread_count': 1, 'execution_timeout': 20, 'data_chan_size': 10000, 'worker_queue_cap': 100000, 'use_memory_manager': True, 'deadline_timeout': 21, 'timer_storage_chan_size': 10000, 'dcp_gen_chan_size': 10000}
      [2023-08-21 23:38:54,002] - [eventing_base:436] INFO - 
      function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
          var expiry = new Date();
          expiry.setSeconds(expiry.getSeconds() + 3000);
          var context = {docID : meta.id, random_text : "e6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh0R7Aumoe6cZZGHuh07Aumoe6cZZGHuh07Aumoe6cZZGHuh07Aumoe6"};
          createTimer(timerCallback,  expiry, meta.id, context);
          log("create timer for:",meta.id)
      function OnDelete(meta) {
          var context = {docID : meta.id};
          var cancelled=cancelTimer(timerCallback,meta.id);
          log("is timer cancelled:",cancelled," for:",meta.id);
      function NDtimerCallback(context) {
          log("firing delete timer:",context.docID);
          var docID = context.docID;
          while (true) {
          try {
              delete dst_bucket[context.docID];
          } catch (e) {
      function timerCallback(context) {
          log("firing update timer:",context.docID);
          var docID = context.docID;
          while (true) {
          try {
          } catch (e) {

      # Load item in the src_bucket

      1. Pause above deployed eventingfunction
      2. Rebalance in a KV node(
      3. Resume the function
      4. Wait for eventing to catch up with all the update mutations and verify results after rebalance
      5. Observed Memcached crashed in Connection::propagateDisconnect (this=0x7f63275be180)
        at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/connection.cc:1356

      Below Core Dump is found on node


      (gdb) bt full
      #0  Connection::propagateDisconnect (this=0x7f63275be180)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/connection.cc:1356
              cookie = <optimized out>
              __for_range = <error reading variable>
              __for_begin = {_M_cur = <optimized out>, _M_first = <optimized out>, _M_last = <optimized out>, _M_node = <optimized out>}
              __for_end = {_M_cur = <optimized out>, _M_first = <optimized out>, _M_last = <optimized out>, _M_node = <optimized out>}
              bucket = <optimized out>
              engine = <error reading variable>
      #1  0x0000000000648c06 in Connection::close (this=this@entry=0x7f63275be180)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/connection.cc:1334
              ewb = false
              rc = 1
      #2  0x0000000000656217 in Connection::executeCommandsCallback (this=this@entry=0x7f63275be180)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/connection.cc:1004
              start = {__d = {__r = 309478290969202}}
              stop = {__d = {__r = <optimized out>}}
              ns = {__r = 3398}
      #3  0x0000000000663176 in LibeventConnection::read_callback (this=0x7f63275be180)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/connection_libevent.cc:121
              phosphor_internal_category_enabled_116 = {_M_b = {_M_p = 0x0}, static is_always_lock_free = <optimized out>}
              phosphor_internal_category_enabled_temp_116 = <optimized out>
              phosphor_internal_tpi_wait_116 = {category = 0xe4bd9a "mutex", name = 0xdd68d8 "LibeventConnection::read_callback::threadLock.wait",
                type = phosphor::TraceEventType::Complete, argument_names = {_M_elems = {0xe43a81 "this", 0xe4c7bd ""}}, argument_types = {_M_elems = {
                    phosphor::TraceArgumentType::is_pointer, phosphor::TraceArgumentType::is_none}}}
              phosphor_internal_tpi_held_116 = {category = 0xe4bd9a "mutex", name = 0xdd68a0 "LibeventConnection::read_callback::threadLock.held",
                type = phosphor::TraceEventType::Complete, argument_names = {_M_elems = {0xe4c7bd "", 0xe4c7bd ""}}, argument_types = {_M_elems = {
                    phosphor::TraceArgumentType::is_pointer, phosphor::TraceArgumentType::is_none}}}
              phosphor_internal_guard_116 = {tpiWait = 0xdd6b80 <LibeventConnection::read_callback()::phosphor_internal_tpi_wait_116>,
                tpiHeld = 0xdd6b40 <LibeventConnection::read_callback()::phosphor_internal_tpi_held_116>, enabled = true, mutex = @0x7f63abd5c7c0,
                threshold = {__r = 10000000}, start = {__d = {__r = 309478290967450}}, lockedAt = {__d = {__r = 309478290968358}}, releasedAt = {__d = {
                    __r = 0}}}
      #4  0x00007f63ae28284e in bufferevent_run_deferred_callbacks_unlocked (cb=<optimized out>, arg=0x7f63275be400)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/libevent/libevent-prefix/src/libevent/bufferevent.c:208
              readcb = 0x663290 <LibeventConnection::read_callback(bufferevent*, void*)>
              cbarg = 0x7f63275be180
              bufev_private = 0x7f63275be400
              bufev = 0x7f63275be400
      #5  0x00007f63ae28bb99 in event_process_active_single_queue (base=base@entry=0x7f63abc67500, activeq=0x7f63abd0e440,
          max_to_process=max_to_process@entry=2147483647, endtime=endtime@entry=0x0)
      --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/libevent/libevent-prefix/src/libevent/event.c:1726
              evcb_cbfinalize = <optimized out>
              ev = <optimized out>
              evcb = 0x7f63275be5a0
              count = 2
      #6  0x00007f63ae28c287 in event_process_active (base=0x7f63abc67500)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/libevent/libevent-prefix/src/libevent/event.c:1789
              activeq = <optimized out>
              i = 0
              c = 0
              tv = {tv_sec = 1, tv_usec = 140066083157983}
              maxcb = 2147483647
              endtime = 0x0
              limit_after_prio = 2147483647
              activeq = <optimized out>
              i = <optimized out>
              c = <optimized out>
              endtime = <optimized out>
              tv = {tv_sec = <optimized out>, tv_usec = <optimized out>}
              maxcb = <optimized out>
              limit_after_prio = <optimized out>
              done = <optimized out>
      #7  event_base_loop (base=0x7f63abc67500, flags=flags@entry=1)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/libevent/libevent-prefix/src/libevent/event.c:2012
              n = <optimized out>
              evsel = 0x7f63ae49fc20 <epollops>
              tv = {tv_sec = 309477515880998, tv_usec = 53}
              tv_p = <optimized out>
              res = <optimized out>
              done = 0
              retval = 0
              __func__ = "event_base_loop"
      #8  0x0000000000d67496 in (anonymous namespace)::EventBaseBackend::eb_event_base_loop (flags=1, this=<optimized out>)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/folly/folly-prefix/src/folly/folly/io/async/EventBase.cpp:74
      No locals.
      #9  folly::EventBase::loopBody (this=0x7f63abd5c560, flags=<optimized out>, ignoreKeepAlive=<optimized out>)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/folly/folly-prefix/src/folly/folly/io/async/EventBase.cpp:381
              callbacks = {<boost::intrusive::list_impl<boost::intrusive::bhtraits<folly::EventBase::LoopCallback, boost::intrusive::list_node_traits<void*>, (boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2, boost::intrusive::dft_tag, 1>, unsigned long, false, void>> = {static constant_time_size = false,
      --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
                  static stateful_value_traits = <optimized out>, static has_container_from_iterator = <optimized out>,
                  static safemode_or_autounlink = true,
                  data_ = {<boost::intrusive::bhtraits<folly::EventBase::LoopCallback, boost::intrusive::list_node_traits<void*>, (boost::intrusive::link_mode_type)2, boost::intrusive::dft_tag, 1>> = {<boost::intrusive::bhtraits_base<folly::EventBase::LoopCallback, boost::intrusive::list_node<void*>*, boost::intrusive::dft_tag, 1>> = {<No data fields>}, static link_mode = boost::intrusive::auto_unlink},
                    root_plus_size_ = {<boost::intrusive::detail::size_holder<false, unsigned long, void>> = {static constant_time_size = <optimized out>},
                      m_header = {<boost::intrusive::list_node<void*>> = {next_ = 0x7f63a63ea180,
                          prev_ = 0x7f63a63ea180}, <No data fields>}}}}, <No data fields>}
              message = 0xe6c268 "Your code just tried to loop over an event base from inside another event base loop. Since libevent is not reentrant, this leads to undefined behavior in opt builds. Please fix immediately. For the co"...
              SCOPE_EXIT_STATE8 = {<folly::detail::ScopeGuardImplBase> = {dismissed_ = false}, function_ = {__this = 0x7f63abd5c560}}
              res = 0
              ranLoopCallbacks = <optimized out>
              blocking = <optimized out>
              once = <optimized out>
              prev = {__d = {__r = 306353699030282}}
              idleStart = {__d = {__r = 309477536999699}}
              busy = {__r = <optimized out>}
              idle = {__r = <optimized out>}
              prevLoopThread = {_M_thread = 0}
      #10 0x0000000000d6799e in folly::EventBase::loop (this=0x7f63abd5c560)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/folly/folly-prefix/src/folly/folly/io/async/EventBase.cpp:305
              guard = {list_ = {prev = 0x13d7d20 <folly::emptyList>, curr = {forbid = true, allowTerminationOnBlocking = false, ex = 0x7f63abd5c570, tag = {
                      static npos = <optimized out>, b_ = 0x0, e_ = 0x0}}}}
      #11 0x0000000000d69e68 in folly::EventBase::loopForever (this=this@entry=0x7f63abd5c560)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/cbdeps-ws/deps/packages/build/folly/folly-prefix/src/folly/folly/io/async/EventBase.cpp:524
              SCOPE_EXIT_STATE9 = {<folly::detail::ScopeGuardImplBase> = {dismissed_ = <optimized out>}, function_ = {__this = <optimized out>}}
              SCOPE_EXIT_STATE10 = {<folly::detail::ScopeGuardImplBase> = {dismissed_ = <optimized out>}, function_ = {__this = <optimized out>}}
              ret = <optimized out>
      #12 0x0000000000602d19 in worker_libevent (arg=0x7f63abd5c550)
          at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/kv_engine/daemon/thread.cc:272
              me = <error reading variable>
      #13 0x0000000000cdc17c in std::function<void ()>::operator()() const (this=0x7f63abcf8eb8)
          at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/bits/std_function.h:622
      No locals.
      #14 operator() (__closure=0x7f63abcf8e98) at /home/couchbase/jenkins/workspace/couchbase-server-unix/platform/src/thread.cc:117
              main = <error reading variable main (Cannot access memory at address 0x7f63abcf8eb8)>
              n = <error reading variable n (Cannot access memory at address 0x7f63abcf8e98)>
              main = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void>> = {<No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16,
      --Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
                  static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = <optimized out>, _M_const_object = <optimized out>,
                      _M_function_pointer = <optimized out>, _M_member_pointer = <optimized out>}, _M_pod_data = {<optimized out> <repeats 16 times>}},
                  _M_manager = <optimized out>}, _M_invoker = <optimized out>}
              n = {static npos = 18446744073709551615,
                _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _M_p = <optimized out>},
                _M_string_length = <optimized out>, {_M_local_buf = {<optimized out> <repeats 16 times>}, _M_allocated_capacity = <optimized out>}}
      #15 std::__invoke_impl<void, create_thread(std::function<void()>, std::string)::<lambda()> > (__f=...)
          at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/bits/invoke.h:60
      No locals.
      #16 std::__invoke<create_thread(std::function<void()>, std::string)::<lambda()> > (__fn=...) at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/bits/invoke.h:95
      No locals.
      #17 std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<create_thread(std::function<void()>, std::string)::<lambda()> > >::_M_invoke<0> (this=0x7f63abcf8e98)
          at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/thread:264
      No locals.
      #18 std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<create_thread(std::function<void()>, std::string)::<lambda()> > >::operator() (this=0x7f63abcf8e98)
          at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/thread:271
      No locals.
      #19 std::thread::_State_impl<std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<create_thread(std::function<void()>, std::string)::<lambda()> > > >::_M_run(void) (
          this=0x7f63abcf8e90) at /opt/gcc-10.2.0/include/c++/10.2.0/thread:215
      No locals.
      #20 0x00007f63ad41ed40 in std::execute_native_thread_routine (__p=0x7f63abcf8e90)
          at /tmp/deploy/objdir/../gcc-10.2.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/thread.cc:80
              __t = {_M_t = {<std::__uniq_ptr_impl<std::thread::_State, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State> >> = {
                    _M_t = {<std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::thread::_State*, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State> >> = {<std::_Tuple_impl<1, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State> >> = {<std::_Head_base<1, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State>, true>> = {<std::default_delete<std::thread::_State>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Head_base<0, std::thread::_State*, false>> = {
                          _M_head_impl = <optimized out>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, <No data fields>}}
      #21 0x00007f63adc22ea7 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:477
              ret = <optimized out>
              pd = <optimized out>
              unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140065967654656, -7377849436284105510, 140730698566718, 140730698566719, 140065967612800,
                      8396800, 7447776737992658138, 7447764673310641370}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0,
                    cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
              not_first_call = 0
      #22 0x00007f63acf1aa2f in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95
      No locals.


      ./testrunner -i /data/workspace/debian-p0-eventing-vset00-00-rebalance_cancel_timer/testexec.30111.ini -p get-cbcollect-info=True,use_https=True,enforce_tls=True,GROUP=cancel_timer,skip_log_scan=False,sirius_url= -t eventing.eventing_rebalance.EventingRebalance.test_kv_rebalance_in_when_existing_eventing_node_is_processing_mutations,nodes_init=6,services_init=kv-kv-eventing-eventing-eventing-index:n1ql,dataset=default,groups=simple,reset_services=True,doc-per-day=20,cancel_timer=True,handler_code=cancel_timer,GROUP=cancel_timer,pause_resume=True

      Job : http://qa.sc.couchbase.com/job/test_suite_executor/607740/consoleFull

      This is one of the first functional test runs we had on trinity. Marking this as "No" for regression.


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