Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase Server'
  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-60021

[XDCR][Windows] : Service 'goxdcr' exited with status 3221226505




      1. Created a 6 node cluster with index, kv, n1ql service nodes
      2. Created 2 couchbase buckets named "default" and "standard_bucket"
      3. Started a workload using cbworkloadgen 

      Observing goxdcr crash and restarts recurringly throughout the run

      2023-12-03T02:09:50.368-08:00, ns_log:0:info:message(ns_1@ - Service 'goxdcr' exited with status 3221226505. Restarting. Messages:2023-12-03T02:09:32.622-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Successfully sent request type Discovery to nodes with opaque: map[]2023-12-03T02:09:32.623-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.AdminPort: doPostPeerToPeerRequest of type Discovery from INFO GOXDCR.PipelineMgr: Replication Status = map[]2023-12-03T02:09:36.811-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.AdminPort: doPostPeerToPeerRequest of type Discovery from INFO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Discovered peers: map[]2023-12-03T02:09:40.364-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.ResourceMgr: Resource Manager State = <nil>2023-12-03T02:09:40.364-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.ResourceMgr: backlogCount=0, noBacklogCount=0 extraQuota=false cpuNotMaxedCount=0 throughputDropCount=02023-12-03T02:09:40.364-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.ResourceMgr: DcpPriorityMap=map[]ongoingReplMap=map[] 

      Observing this multiple times in ns_server.goxdcr.log

      2023-12-03T02:03:20.264-08:00 WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.55:8091 : key being added already exists172.23.137.58:8091 : key being added already exists). Sleeping 200ms2023-12-03T02:03:20.265-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.AdminPort: doPostPeerToPeerRequest of type Discovery from WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.59:8091 : key being added already exists). Sleeping 400ms2023-12-03T02:03:20.471-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.AdminPort: doPostPeerToPeerRequest of type Discovery from ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Failed to set authentication to request. err=Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:20.875-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: P2PSend resulted in Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:20.875-08:00 WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.59:8091 : Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'). Sleeping 800ms2023-12-03T02:03:21.689-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Failed to set authentication to request. err=Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:21.689-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: P2PSend resulted in Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:21.689-08:00 WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.59:8091 : Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'). Sleeping 1.6s2023-12-03T02:03:23.222-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.PipelineMgr: Replication Status = map[]2023-12-03T02:03:23.296-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Failed to set authentication to request. err=Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:23.296-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: P2PSend resulted in Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:23.296-08:00 WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.59:8091 : Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'). Sleeping 3.2s2023-12-03T02:03:24.334-08:00 INFO GOXDCR.AdminPort: doPostPeerToPeerRequest of type Discovery from INFO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Discovered peers: map[]2023-12-03T02:03:26.509-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: Failed to set authentication to request. err=Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:26.509-08:00 ERRO GOXDCR.P2PManager: P2PSend resulted in Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'2023-12-03T02:03:26.509-08:00 WARN GOXDCR.Utils: ExponentialBackoffExecutor for sendPeerToPeerReq(Discovery) encountered error ( : key being added already exists172.23.137.59:8091 : Unable to find given hostport in cbauth database: `'). Sleeping 6.4s


      The n1ql panics and crashes are tracked under MB-60020

      Not sure if they are related




      Testrunner script to repro


      ./testrunner -i /tmp/testexec.21806.ini -p get-cbcollect-info=False,get-logs=False,get-coredumps=False,get-cbcollect-info=True,get-cbcollect-info=True -t clitest.workloadgentest.workloadgenTests.workloadgen_test,replica=0,standard_buckets=1,itmes=1000000,command_options=-j -t 2,GROUP=P0


      Job name : windows19-os_certify-tools_1

      Job ref : http://cb-logs-qe.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/7.6.0-1878/jenkins_logs/test_suite_executor-dynvm/18439/



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              raghav.sk Raghav S K
              raghav.sk Raghav S K
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