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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-60040

[cbm] Handle users passing new arguments when resuming backups/restores



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • Morpheus
    • None
    • tools
    • None
    • 0


      What is the problem?
      Currently you can resume a backup/restore but pass new args. An example we saw in a customer case was they tried to restore but the bucket didn't exist so got an error. They then tried to resume but use map-data to restore to a bucket they created but this was ignored silently, which is confusing.

      Why does this happen?
      Resume works by executing the plan we create when starting backups/restores. Some of the plan is dictated by the command line arguments. If you try to resume but with new arguments we ignore them.

      What is the fix?
      We could try to incorporate the new parameters into the resume but I think this breaks what a resume is and wouldn't always be possible. I think instead we should either error or print a warning out. To do this we will need to know what the original parameters were. To do this we could:

      1. Recreate the plan with the current parameters and compare them
      2. Store the parameters as part of the plan and compare

      If we were to do number one we would need to remove/ignore progress reports when doing the plan comparison. Option number two seems to be more straight forward to me


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            owend Daniel Owen
            Matt.Hall Matt Hall
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