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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-60460

Corruption in metadataClient bookkeeping



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      In a recent customer case, it is seen that the bookkeeping of metadataClient goes wrong failing to successfully connect to the newly added indexer node.

      Once the rebalance is over and the new node takes over scans for the moved indices, scan failures also start coming up as we are not able to find the scanport for the destination node.

      The scenario goes as follows -

      1. we have a code safeupdate which is responsible for correcting the internal metadata.
      2. this function gets called with either (map, true) or (nil, false) and this can be called by multiple go-routines.
      3. the hypothesis is that, for (nil, false) calls, we load the current meta in a variable `adminports` and create a new topology using it. After building the new topology we do a CompareAndSwap (CAS) to update the topology.
      4. for a concurrent update to this topology, it can happen that the CAS can fail for the (nil, false) call and we will do a retry there. The difference here is that, this time we don't reset the `adminports` variable which can have stale values and corrupt the bookkeeping by successfully updating the topology in the new run.

      Detailed walkthrough -

      WatchMetadata(new node - nodeA) -> fails in first attempt, create a tempID for indexer and add to IndexTopology, retry in background
      safeupdate(nil, false) -> read currmeta (with temp indexer ID), set in adminports, create new topology, try to update IndexTopology using CAS - CAS fails
      Watcher connected for nodeA -> safeupdate(adminports, true) -> create new topology using adminports (correct Indexer ID) in parameter, try to update IndexTopology using CAS - CAS passes, send msg to update scan clients and exit
      <retry> safeupdate(nil, false) -> adminports not reset so use the old adminport (with temp indexer ID) from step 2, create new topology, try to update IndexTopology using CAS - CAS passes, send msg to update scan clients and exit

      This corrupt book keeping (IndexTopology.scanports as well will be incorrect) can further lead to scan failures even if the replica is available on another node. This also should not happen


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              dhruvil.ketanshah Dhruvil Shah
              dhruvil.ketanshah Dhruvil Shah
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