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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-60848

FTS rebalance failure



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • 7.6.2
    • 7.6.0
    • fts
    • Capella


      1. Created a capella cluster with the following configuration

      Service Number of nodes CPU cores Memory Disk size
      KV 3 8 32GB 250GB
      FTS 5 16 32GB 250B
      N1QL 2 4 16GB 250GB

      2. Created a bucket and loaded 5M documents into the bucket. Each document has a 'vector_data' with vector of dimension 384.

      3. Created an index on the 'vector_data' field.

      4. Wait for indexing to complete.

      5.Started an incremental load where we are inserting new documents as well as updating existing documents.

      6. Loaded new documents to the bucket till the total docs in the bucket reached 15M. (During this insertion there were also mutations happening to the existing docs).

      7. Wait for indexing to complete.

      8. Started running queries on the index.

      9. Started rebalance in operation(added a new FTS node).

      10. Rebalance failed

      Rebalance exited with reason {service_rebalance_failed,fts,\n                                 {agent_died,<36743.2953.0>,noconnection}}. 

      [ns_server:error,2024-02-19T06:39:17.236Z,ns_1@svc-s-node-006.489ywyi5z763ajqn.sandbox.nonprod-project-avengers.com:service_agent-fts<0.4531.0>:service_agent:handle_info:325]Service Manager <35147.9395.8> died unexpectedly: {agent_died,<35868.2953.0>,                                                   noconnection}[ns_server:error,2024-02-19T06:39:37.248Z,ns_1@svc-s-node-006.489ywyi5z763ajqn.sandbox.nonprod-project-avengers.com:service_agent-fts<0.4531.0>:service_agent:handle_info:320]Linked process <0.3034.6> died with reason {{badmatch,                                             {false,                                              {topology,[],                                               [<<"24d2754028c8e123d8d174da008a8ae5">>,                                                <<"7e18e9e0793da6ebdc31e5be04148bcb">>,                                                <<"8c86178125eb72af47e7e33797275580">>,                                                <<"8cb7b6e58837b20a2c2ebac67b3265f4">>,                                                <<"9a9056753e585cd139c1b1a1ed57effe">>,                                                <<"f3f29bce190196425eb15971cfd33750">>],                                               true,[]},                                              {topology,[],                                               [<<"24d2754028c8e123d8d174da008a8ae5">>,                                                <<"7e18e9e0793da6ebdc31e5be04148bcb">>,                                                <<"8c86178125eb72af47e7e33797275580">>,                                                <<"8cb7b6e58837b20a2c2ebac67b3265f4">>,                                                <<"9a9056753e585cd139c1b1a1ed57effe">>,                                                <<"f3f29bce190196425eb15971cfd33750">>],                                               false,[]}}},                                            [{service_agent,                                              long_poll_worker_loop,5,                                              [{file,"src/service_agent.erl"},                                               {line,750}]},                                             {proc_lib,init_p,3,                                              [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},                                               {line,225}]}]}. Terminating[ns_server:error,2024-02-19T06:39:37.248Z,ns_1@svc-s-node-006.489ywyi5z763ajqn.sandbox.nonprod-project-avengers.com:service_agent-fts<0.4531.0>:service_agent:terminate:350]Terminating abnormally[ns_server:error,2024-02-19T06:39:37.248Z,ns_1@svc-s-node-006.489ywyi5z763ajqn.sandbox.nonprod-project-avengers.com:service_agent-fts<0.4531.0>:service_agent:terminate:355]Terminating json rpc connection for fts: <0.4742.0> 

      11. I also see 2 of the FTS nodes are failed over. (svc-s-node-004 and svc-s-node-005).


      I did not see any FTS crashes.


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