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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-62428

XDCR UI - Handle different categories of XDCR messages



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • Morpheus
    • 7.6.0, Morpheus, 7.2.0, 7.2.1, 7.2.4, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.6.2, 7.2.6, 7.6.1, 7.6.4
    • UI
    • 0


      Please see MB-41248 as the rationale behind this design.
      Originally, XDCR needed a way to show collections broken maps on the UI for notification, but not as errors.

      Traditionally, XDCR had only provided a blind list of errors.
      MB-43352 was the XDCR backend work to provide "categories" of types of messages for UI to consume. There are now different forms of errors - high, low, persistent messages, and brokenmap.
      See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyEbGJUn00442R3Xia8EM1QFbrGgVP-Pz5nsaFxWgyM/edit#heading=h.9ayucfvx2dtw as design doc for the backend.

      MB-41248 was never accomplished in time for collections. The workaround was XDCR will just return the error list in the form of an error. MB-45847 is thus the work from XDCR backend because MB-41248 was not designed or implemented in time for collections in 7.0.

      Current situation
      As XDCR features keep growing, the backend has been using some of these low priority messages for certain features. For example, MB-49966 uses a low priority message to let the customer know that P2P protocol could be undergoing before replications can start.

      However, because of the lack of separation on the UI, low priority messages are showing up as any other regular errors, confusing the customer.

      Improvement Request
      The ask is that the UI/UX team revisit the original work requested on MB-41248 in tandem with the ask now that for both on-prem and Capella UI, we should start thinking about handling the high/low priority messages from the XDCR backend. Specifically:

      1. Able to separate errors per backend categories: High/Low/Persistent/BrokenMap
      2. The ability to disable low priority messages and brokenmaps (or subset of brokenmap)


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              Pramada.Kolichala Pramada Kolichala
              neil.huang Neil Huang
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