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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-6563

Replication ops/sec drops to 0, on stop/start load from source cluster. [Load with only creates looks okay, load with expired items--> replication rate drops very low.]



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Critical
    • 2.0-beta-2
    • 2.0-beta
    • XDCR
    • Security Level: Public
    • None
    • Build - 2.0-1696
      vbuckets 1024
      unidirectional replication.
      4G, 4 Core machines.
      No Swap


      • Setup a 2:3 unidirecitonal replication between 2 clusters.
      • Start mix load on the source cluster.

      On initial start of replication, seeing very good xdc ops/sec and creates/sec ranging from 4k-8k ops/sec.
      Stop load on source.

      Start load on source ( Note this will be treated now as updates)

      • Seeing 8-10k xdc ops/sec on destination cluster, No ( 0-30 items updated) updates/creates being done on destination cluster.

      Can reproduce this with
      nohup lib/perf_engines/mcsoda.py localhost:41208 vbuckets=1024 doc-gen=0 doc-cache=0 ratio-creates=1 ratio-sets=1 ratio-expirations=0.03 expiration=30 ratio-deletes=0.04 min-value-size=2,3 max-items=2000000 exit-after-creates=0 prefix=k_two&
      nohup lib/perf_engines/mcsoda.py localhost:41208 vbuckets=1024 doc-gen=0 doc-cache=0 ratio-creates=1 ratio-sets=1 ratio-expirations=0.03 expiration=30 ratio-deletes=0.04 min-value-size=2,3 max-items=2000000 exit-after-creates=0 prefix=k_one&

      ( With /without updates/deletes also works)

      Note: For about 10-15 minutes, saw no crash reports on the source side.
      Now seeing unable to POST error messages on the source side.

      Source logs show

        • Reason for termination ==
        • {http_request_failed,"POST",
          {error, {error,timeout}}}

          =========================CRASH REPORT=========================
          initial call: xdc_vbucket_rep:init/1
          pid: <0.7311.2>
          registered_name: []
          exception exit: {http_request_failed,"POST",

          in function gen_server:terminate/6
          ancestors: [<0.6821.2>,<0.6816.2>,xdc_replication_sup,ns_server_sup,
          messages: []
          links: [<0.6821.2>]
          dictionary: []
          trap_exit: true
          status: running
          heap_size: 28657
          stack_size: 24
          reductions: 247791

      Adding atop commands form the source, seeing no major CPU contention,

      Adding screenshot from destination.
      Adding atop commands from source

      live cluster at : - source,

      Adding ns_server logs.


        1. 6563.tar
          15.09 MB
          Ketaki Gangal
        2. Screen Shot 2012-09-07 at 1.05.47 PM.png
          166 kB
          Ketaki Gangal
        3. Screen Shot 2012-09-07 at 1.15.38 PM.png
          154 kB
          Ketaki Gangal
        4. Screen Shot 2012-09-07 at 1.26.01 PM.png
          102 kB
          Ketaki Gangal
        5. Screen Shot 2012-09-12 at 10.13.36 AM.png
          24 kB
          Ketaki Gangal
        6. Screen Shot 2012-09-12 at 11.10.24 AM.png
          108 kB
          Ketaki Gangal
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