New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
3.0.0-alpha, 3.0.0-alpha2
SDK40: Verif2,Bugs,Docs,Retry, SDK42: Verif2,Retr,RTO,Circuit, SDK44: βref(1),CombT,Migration, SDK48: βref(2),CombT,Migr., SDK50: βref(2),CombT,Migr., SDK52: B/GA, Doc:Migr/Stngs/Co, SDK1: GA and Priority List, SDK18: Analytics/Eventin Mgmt., SDK22: Analytics/Remote Mgmt., SDK20: Compl Tracing/AFTS, SDK24: Tracing/KeepExpiry, SDK28: Docs/Test/Release, SDK30: Test/Release, SDK20: Pathfinding + Wrappers, SDK22: Lambda + KV Range Scan
In support of the error handling documentation ensure that the following are covered (v1 of error handling)
- EH1: How SDK Handles Errors
- EH2: Handling failures
- EH3: Handling errors with logging
- EH4: Retrying based on an error
- EH5: Doc does not exist
- EH6: CAS Mismatch
See DOC-5179 for further references to the feature codes above.