Build/deploy the .NET Dependency Injection extension for SDK 3.0
When trying to use the Dependency Injection extension with Couchbase .NET SDK 3.0, there is a compiler error message "Reference to type 'CouchbaseClientDefinition' claims it is defined in 'Couchbase.NetClient', but it could not be found (CS7069)".
I put this as "In Progress" but should be done after CouchbaseClientNet 3.0.1 NuGet package is published as it should have a dependency on the 3.0.1 NuGet package instead of a project reference once published.
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When trying to use the Dependency Injection extension with Couchbase .NET SDK 3.0, there is a compiler error message "Reference to type 'CouchbaseClientDefinition' claims it is defined in 'Couchbase.NetClient', but it could not be found (CS7069)".
Per there is a version of this extension compatible with 3.0 that can be built and deployed to NuGet.