FIT KV: RangeScan "ObjectDisposedException"


These are intermittent failures, and are not consistent. They pass fine on a single node cluster, but all failed when using the same 7.6.1-3080 on cbdinocluster.

These tests:

  1. Insert some documents and check anything is returned in a prefix scan, without consistentWith

  2. Test batch time limits with a Sampling Scan

  3. Test a non-standard timeout

  4. Insert some documents and check anything is returned in a sampling scan, without consistentWith

  5. Test concurrency with a Prefix Scan

  6. Test concurrency with a Sampling Scan

  7. Run a Sampling Scan without content and verify the result

  8. Run a Range Scan without content and verify the result

  9. Min and Max finds grinning face emoji code

  10. Provide no more than the sampling scan limit when it is set

  11. Insert multiple documents and check they're all returned in a RangeScan, without consistentWith

  12. Insert some documents and check anything is returned in a sampling scan, using consistentWith

  13. Test expected behaviour when a collection is dropped

  14. Maximum and Minimum work together when no From or To is supplied

from the RangeScan suite are failing with



Gerrit Reviews


Release Notes Description




Richard Ponton February 17, 2024 at 1:44 AM

Actually, it looks like we weren't doing anything to keep RangeScanContinue on the same node as the RangeScanCreate.  We were setting the VBucketId, but CouchbaseBucket was not looking up the node for that VBucket at all.

Richard Ponton February 17, 2024 at 1:06 AM

So I was able to reproduce and fix the bug as defined here, but the tests are still failing.


The root cause was that the server was returning VBucketBelongsToAnotherServer and we weren't handling that.


However, after fixing that, it seems to always hit.   , have you tried with another SDK?  Is Java passing these against that server build?  That error is only supposed to happen if the server rebalances in the middle of a rangescan.

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Open Instabug



Zendesk Support

Created February 6, 2024 at 1:20 PM
Updated March 4, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Resolved March 4, 2024 at 9:39 AM