Uploaded image for project: 'Couchbase .NET client library'
  1. Couchbase .NET client library
  2. NCBC-589

ThrowInvalidOperationException in Couchbase.Configuration.CouchbaseConfigContext.LoadConfig during rebalance



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Test Blocker
    • 2.0 Beta
    • 2.0 DP3
    • library
    • None


      I took a few commits ahead from gerrit

      commit 2c00a9d3a397f5c1eddc56238cf4a19e6e6618dd
      Author: jeffrymorris <jeffrymorris@gmail.com>
      Date: Mon Aug 11 18:41:08 2014 -0700

      Add config files to tests

      Change-Id: Ie093eac1da4ffc742796ffd4df8a9c63cc1c9c2f

      c:\jenkins\workspace\.net-sdkdclient-ng2-andrei\sdkdclient-ng>call packages\sdkdclient\bin\brun.bat -I cluster_config.ini -I sdkd.args --variants HYBRID -d all:debug --no-upload
      [0.32 INFO] (BRun run:435) Initializing history database

      Running Rb2Out-HYBRID
      Logging to c:\jenkins\workspace\.net-sdkdclient-ng2-andrei\sdkdclient-ng\log\SDK-SDK\CB-3.0.0-1105\Rb2Out-HYBRID\08-16-14\056660\742db0c42511883a3b8960d57d363be0

      To re-run the test, copy/paste the following into the shell.
      You may also copy/paste (except the first line) into an argfile
      ./stester \
      \ --rebalance-mode out --workload HybridWorkloadGroup
      \ --rebalance-count 2 --testcase RebalanceScenario -C share\rexec
      \ --rexec_path C:\temp\sdkd-out-debug\SdkdConsole.exe --rexec_port
      \ 8675 --cluster_node= --cluster_node=
      \ --cluster_node= --cluster_node=
      --cluster_ssh-username=root --cluster_ssh-password=couchbase
      [1.52 WARN] (Drivers getDriver:76) 'rexec' is now mapped to local execution only. Use RemoteExecutingDriver for remote execution
      [1.93 INFO] (RunContext run:102) Ramp for 30 seconds. Cluster modification: remove 2 nodes and rebalance. Rebound for 90 seconds.
      [1.95 INFO] (RunContext run:124) Starting cluster and driver
      [1.96 INFO] (CBCluster startCluster:360) Node is master now
      [1.96 INFO] (HostPortDriver launch:32) Invoking SDKD as 'C:\temp\sdkd-out-debug\SdkdConsole.exe'
      [1.96 DEBUG] (CBCluster startCluster:366) Stopping any existing rebalance operations..
      [2.30 INFO] (SDKD log:137) — Logging Self-Test —
      [2.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] Info Message
      [2.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Warn] Warn Message
      [2.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Error] Error Message
      [2.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Fatal] Fatal Message
      [2.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] SDKD Listening on port 8675
      [2.48 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > INFO@0.0
      [2.49 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [2.78 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < INFO@0.0 => {"CAPS":


      [4.34 DEBUG] (CBCluster clearSingleCluster:140) Failing over existing node <URI:,ns_1@>
      [4.43 DEBUG] (SSHConnection initUserKeys:79) Loaded indentity C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\id_rsa
      [4.43 DEBUG] (SSHConnection connect:99) Connecting with User[root] Pass[HASH=3b8cf05627127baaf3808913209aac84]
      [4.43 DEBUG] (SSHConnection initUserKeys:79) Loaded indentity C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh\id_rsa
      [4.43 DEBUG] (SSHConnection connect:99) Connecting with User[root] Pass[HASH=3b8cf05627127baaf3808913209aac84]
      [4.94 INFO] (NodeHost createSSH:147) SSH Initialized for
      [4.95 INFO] (NodeHost createSSH:147) SSH Initialized for
      [4.95 INFO] (NodeHost createSSH:147) SSH Initialized for
      [4.97 DEBUG] (SSHCommand execute:75) Running /etc/init.d/couchbase-server start && pkill -CONT -f memcached && pkill -CONT -f beam.smp && iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F on
      [4.97 DEBUG] (SSHCommand execute:75) Running /etc/init.d/couchbase-server start && pkill -CONT -f memcached && pkill -CONT -f beam.smp && iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F on
      [4.97 INFO] (NodeHost createSSH:147) SSH Initialized for
      [4.98 DEBUG] (SSHCommand execute:75) Running /etc/init.d/couchbase-server start && pkill -CONT -f memcached && pkill -CONT -f beam.smp && iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F on
      [4.98 DEBUG] (SSHCommand execute:75) Running /etc/init.d/couchbase-server start && pkill -CONT -f memcached && pkill -CONT -f beam.smp && iptables -F && iptables -t nat -F on
      [5.18 DEBUG] (SSHCommand close:147) Closing channel com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec@7b0bbd42
      [5.19 DEBUG] (SSHCommand close:147) Closing channel com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec@10d4f27
      [5.19 DEBUG] (SSHCommand close:147) Closing channel com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec@b22c9df
      [5.20 DEBUG] (SSHCommand close:147) Closing channel com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec@74bfd10a
      [5.20 DEBUG] (CBCluster setupNewCluster:271) Provisioning initial node com.couchbase.cbadmin.client.CouchbaseAdmin@6ae2d0b2
      [17.28 DEBUG] (CBCluster tryOnce:286) Adding node
      [24.00 DEBUG] (CBCluster tryOnce:286) Adding node
      [36.81 DEBUG] (CBCluster tryOnce:286) Adding node
      [43.42 INFO] (CBCluster setupNewCluster:293) All nodes added. Will rebalance
      [43.46 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [44.47 INFO] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:33) Rebalance complete
      [44.47 DEBUG] (CBCluster setupServerGroups:222) Not creating any groups
      [44.48 INFO] (CBCluster setupMainBucket:209) Creating bucket default
      [44.49 INFO] (CBCluster setupMainBucket:211) Bucket creation submitted
      [54.57 INFO] (CBCluster waitForBucketReady:203) Bucket creation done
      [54.62 INFO] (RunContext run:143) Driver and cluster initialized
      [54.65 INFO] (RunContext call:167) Running scenario..
      [54.66 INFO] (Scenario run:72) Starting RAMP phase
      [54.66 INFO] (Workload setupDesign:63) Creating design test_design
      [54.93 INFO] (Workload setupDesign:80) Design creation done
      [54.93 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@101.1 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options=

      {SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10.3 .4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [54.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [54.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 101
      [54.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [54.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] Resolving Common.Logging.Log4Net
      [54.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] Have assembly Common.Logging.Log4Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=af08829b84f0328e
      [55.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] Resolving log4net
      [55.01 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Main|Info] Have assembly log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1b44e1d426115821
      [55.42 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@101.1
      [55.42 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_LOAD@101.2 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=ViewFillerSeed, VSeed=ViewFillerSeed, Count=1000, Continuous=false, VSize=512, Repeat=rep, KSize=12 }, Schema={InflateContent=meh, InflateLevel=40}, Options={DelayMax=0, DelayMin=0, IterWait=1, TimeRes=0}}
      [55.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_LOAD
      [55.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [55.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [55.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [55.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 1000, [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": false, [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 512, [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "rep", [55.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 12 [55.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [55.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Schema": { [55.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateContent": "meh", [55.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateLevel": 40 [55.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 0, [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 0, [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 0 [55.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [55.47 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [56.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ViewLoader|Info] Summary details: {}
      [56.76 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < [SDKD:SDKD_EINVAL="Need at least one kv pair. None requested"] CB_VIEW_LOAD@101.2
      [56.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CLOSEHANDLE@101.3
      [56.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CLOSEHANDLE
      [56.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@102.4 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10.3 .4.147",8091]]}

      , Hostname=}
      [56.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {}
      [56.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [56.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket 1303659411
      [56.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket client.Dispose()1303659411
      [56.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 102
      [56.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [56.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] DispatchCommand(req, SdkHandle) == false
      [56.79 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@102.4
      [56.79 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_LOAD@102.5 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS=

      {KSeed=ViewFillerSeed, VSeed=ViewFillerSeed, Count=1000, Continuous=false, VSize=512, Repeat=rep, KSize=12 }

      , Schema=

      {InflateContent=meh, InflateLevel=40}, Options={DelayMax=0, DelayMin=0, IterWait=1, TimeRes=0}}
      [56.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_LOAD
      [56.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [56.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [56.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [56.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [56.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [56.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 1000, [56.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": false, [56.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 512, [56.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "rep", [56.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 12 [56.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [56.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Schema": { [56.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateContent": "meh", [56.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateLevel": 40 [56.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [56.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [56.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 0, [56.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 0, [56.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [56.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 0 [56.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [56.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.30 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ViewLoader|Info] Summary details: {}
      [58.31 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < [SDKD:SDKD_EINVAL="Need at least one kv pair. None requested"] CB_VIEW_LOAD@102.5
      [58.31 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CLOSEHANDLE@102.6
      [58.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CLOSEHANDLE
      [58.31 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@103.7 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10.3 .4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {}
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket 1303659411
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket client.Dispose()1303659411
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] DispatchCommand(req, SdkHandle) == false
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 103
      [58.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.34 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@103.7
      [58.34 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@103.8 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, ViewQueryCou nt=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [58.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [58.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.35 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@104.9 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10.3 .4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [58.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": {},
      [58.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [58.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [58.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [58.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [58.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [58.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [58.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 104
      [58.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.40 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@104.9
      [58.40 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@104.10 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, ViewQueryCo unt=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [58.41 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [58.41 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.41 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@105.11 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10. 3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.41 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.41 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": {},
      [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [58.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [58.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [58.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [58.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [58.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [58.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 105
      [58.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.57 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@105.11
      [58.58 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@105.12 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, ViewQueryCo unt=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [58.58 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [58.58 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@106.13 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10. 3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [58.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": {},
      [58.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [58.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [58.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [58.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 106
      [58.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.73 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@106.13
      [58.73 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@106.14 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, ViewQueryCo unt=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [58.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.74 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@107.15 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10. 3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": {},
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [58.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [58.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [58.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [58.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [58.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 107
      [58.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.77 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@107.15
      [58.77 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@107.16 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, ViewQueryCo unt=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [58.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [58.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.78 INFO] (Workload call:112) Preloading items into cluster before workload
      [58.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.78 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@108.17 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10. 3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [58.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [58.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": {},
      [58.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [58.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [58.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [58.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [58.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [58.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [58.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 108
      [58.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [58.82 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@108.17
      [58.82 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@108.18 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=false, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=0, DelayMin=0, IterWait=100, TimeRes=0}}
      [58.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [58.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [58.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [58.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [58.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [58.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [58.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [58.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": false, [58.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [58.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 0, [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 0, [58.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 100, [58.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 0 [58.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [58.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.74 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@108.18 => {[OK]: 4003, [MEMD:MEMD_EVBUCKET]: 10997}
      [249.74 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CLOSEHANDLE@108.19
      [249.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CLOSEHANDLE
      [249.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {}
      [249.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket 1303659411
      [249.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket client.Dispose()1303659411
      [249.74 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@109.20 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.75 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@116.27 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.75 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@115.26 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.75 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@114.25 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] DispatchCommand(req, SdkHandle) == false
      [249.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@113.24 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@112.23 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@111.22 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@110.21 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@118.29 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.77 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@117.28 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 109
      [249.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [249.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 114
      [249.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 116
      [249.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 115
      [249.80 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@109.20
      [249.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.81 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@109.30 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [249.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 110
      [249.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 113
      [249.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 111
      [249.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 117
      [249.82 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@119.31 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 112
      [249.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 118
      [249.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [249.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [249.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [249.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [249.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [249.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [249.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [249.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.86 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@114.25
      [249.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.87 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@114.32 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [249.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 119
      [249.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [249.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [249.88 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@120.33 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [249.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [249.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [249.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [249.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [249.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [249.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [249.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [249.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [249.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [249.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.91 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@116.27
      [249.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 120
      [249.92 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@116.34 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [249.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [249.93 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@121.35 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [249.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [249.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [249.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [249.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [249.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [249.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [249.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": {
      [249.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10,
      [249.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1,
      [249.96 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@115.26
      [249.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1,
      [249.96 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@115.36 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [249.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1
      [249.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [249.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [249.97 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@122.37 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [249.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 121
      [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [249.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [249.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": {
      [250.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10,
      [250.01 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@113.24
      [250.01 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1,
      [250.01 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@113.38 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.01 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1,
      [250.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1
      [250.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.02 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@123.39 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 122
      [250.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.08 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@110.21
      [250.08 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@110.40 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 123
      [250.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.09 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@124.41 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 124
      [250.12 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.12 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.12 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage] [250.14 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'. [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.17 INFO] (LineGobbler doFilter:115) +++ Following exception has internal ID: 1 [250.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.get_RemoteEndPoint() at Couchbase.IO.Strategies.EapConnection.<>c__DisplayClass3`1.<Send>b__0(FormatMessageHandler m) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\IO\Strategies\EapConnection.cs:line 38 at Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.ToString() at log4net.ObjectRenderer.DefaultRenderer.RenderObject(RendererMap rendererMap, Object obj, TextWriter writer) at log4net.ObjectRenderer.RendererMap.FindAndRender(Object obj, TextWriter writer) [250.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage] [250.19 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.19 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [250.19 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.19 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Result|Warn] Unrecognized return code 409
      [250.20 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [250.21 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@111.22
      [250.21 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@111.42 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.22 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [250.23 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@125.43 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": {
      [250.27 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10,
      [250.28 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1,
      [250.28 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@117.28
      [250.28 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1,
      [250.29 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@117.44 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.29 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1
      [250.29 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.29 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.30 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@126.45 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.30 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 125
      [250.31 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.32 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.33 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.33 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.33 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.33 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.34 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@112.23
      [250.34 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.35 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@112.46 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.35 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.36 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@127.47 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.36 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.37 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 126
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.38 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.39 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.39 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.40 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.40 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@118.29
      [250.40 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.40 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@118.48 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.41 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.42 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@128.49 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [250.42 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.43 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.44 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.45 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@119.31
      [250.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.45 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 127
      [250.45 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@119.50 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [250.46 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.47 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.47 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.47 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.47 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.48 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.48 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.48 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.48 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.49 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.49 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.49 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.49 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.50 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.50 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.50 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.50 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.51 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.51 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.51 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 128
      [250.51 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@120.33
      [250.52 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@120.51 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.52 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.55 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.55 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@121.35
      [250.56 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.56 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@121.52 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.56 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.56 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.57 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.57 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.57 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.58 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.58 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.58 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.58 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.59 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0 [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage] [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'. [250.60 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [250.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.64 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.64 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.64 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.64 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.64 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.65 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.67 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.67 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@122.37
      [250.67 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.68 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@122.53 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [250.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.71 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@123.39
      [250.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.72 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@123.54 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.72 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.76 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@124.41
      [250.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@124.55 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.80 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.81 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.81 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@125.43
      [250.82 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.83 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@125.56 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [250.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.85 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@126.45
      [250.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.85 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@126.57 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {
      [250.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey",
      [250.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue",
      [250.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000,
      [250.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true,
      [250.91 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@127.47
      [250.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128,
      [250.91 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_MUTATE_SET@127.58 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32},
      Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [250.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP",
      [250.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32
      [250.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [250.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.95 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [250.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [250.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [250.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_MUTATE_SET
      [250.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [250.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [250.98 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [250.99 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [251.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [251.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [251.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [251.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [251.01 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [251.01 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [251.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [251.05 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@128.49
      [251.06 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > MC_DS_GET@128.59 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=SimpleKey, VSeed=SimpleValue, Count=15000, Continuous=true, VSize=128, Repeat=REP, KSize=32}, Option
      s={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, TimeRes=1}}
      [251.07 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@129.60 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [251.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command MC_DS_GET
      [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": { [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage] [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "SimpleKey", [251.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. [251.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "SimpleValue", [251.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'. [251.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 15000, [251.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0 [251.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": true, [251.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage] [251.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 128, [251.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. [251.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "REP", [251.12 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'. [251.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 32 [251.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [251.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [251.13 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [251.14 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [251.14 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [251.14 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [251.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [251.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [251.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 129
      [251.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [251.17 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@129.60
      [251.18 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_LOAD@129.61 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={KSeed=ViewFillerSeed, VSeed=ViewFillerSeed, Count=1000, Continuous=false, VSize=512, Repeat=rep, KSize= 12}, Schema={InflateContent=meh, InflateLevel=40}

      , Options={DelayMax=0, DelayMin=0, IterWait=1, TimeRes=0}}
      [251.19 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_LOAD
      [251.20 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [251.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [251.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS":

      { [251.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [251.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSeed": "ViewFillerSeed", [251.21 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Count": 1000, [251.22 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Continuous": false, [251.22 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "VSize": 512, [251.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Repeat": "rep", [251.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "KSize": 12 [251.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [251.23 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Schema":

      { [251.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateContent": "meh", [251.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "InflateLevel": 40 [251.24 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [251.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options":

      { [251.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 0, [251.25 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 0, [251.26 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [251.26 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 0 [251.27 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [251.27 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [544.61 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ViewLoader|Info] Summary details: {}
      [544.61 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < [SDKD:SDKD_EINVAL="Need at least one kv pair. None requested"] CB_VIEW_LOAD@129.61
      [544.61 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CLOSEHANDLE@129.62
      [544.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CLOSEHANDLE
      [544.62 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@130.63 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options=

      {SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [544.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {}
      [544.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket 1303659411
      [544.62 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Release CouchbaseBucket client.Dispose()1303659411
      [544.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] DispatchCommand(req, SdkHandle) == false
      [544.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [544.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 130
      [544.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [544.67 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@130.63
      [544.67 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@130.64 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={limit=0}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, Vie wQueryCount=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [544.67 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [544.68 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@131.65 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}

      , Hostname=}
      [544.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [544.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [544.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [544.68 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters":

      { [544.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "limit": 0 [544.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [544.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [544.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options":

      { [544.69 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [544.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [544.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [544.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [544.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 131
      [544.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [544.73 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@131.65
      [544.73 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@131.66 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters=

      {limit=0}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, Vie wQueryCount=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [544.73 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [544.74 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@132.67 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [544.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [544.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [544.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [544.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": { [544.74 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "limit": 0 [544.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [544.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [544.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [544.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [544.75 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [544.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [544.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [544.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [544.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [544.76 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [544.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [544.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [544.77 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [544.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [544.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [544.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [544.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 132
      [544.78 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [544.79 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [544.81 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@132.67
      [544.82 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@132.68 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={limit=0}

      , DesignName=test_design, Options=

      {DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, Vie wQueryCount=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}, ViewName=test_view}
      [544.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [544.83 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@133.69 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options={SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}, Hostname=}
      [544.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [544.83 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [544.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [544.84 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters": { [544.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "limit": 0 [544.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [544.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [544.85 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options": { [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [544.86 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0 [544.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [544.87 INFO] (SDKD log:137) },
      [544.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [544.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [544.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [544.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [544.88 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [544.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [544.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 133
      [544.89 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [544.90 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [544.91 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [544.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [544.92 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [544.93 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [544.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [544.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [544.94 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [544.96 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [544.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [544.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [544.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [544.97 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.00 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.02 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@133.69
      [545.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.02 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@133.70 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters={limit=0}, DesignName=test_design, Options={DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, Vie wQueryCount=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}

      , ViewName=test_view}
      [545.02 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [545.03 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > NEWHANDLE@134.71 => {Port=8091, Bucket=default, Options=

      {SSL=false, Username=default, Password=, OtherNodes=[["",8091],["",8091],["10 .3.4.147",8091]]}

      , Hostname=}
      [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters":

      { [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "limit": 0 [545.03 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options":

      { [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [545.04 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [545.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [545.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [545.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0 [545.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [545.05 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Got a new connection. Creating child handle
      [545.06 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Control|Info] Registering handle 134
      [545.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.ClientFactory|Info] Shared clients disabled. Creating anew
      [545.07 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.08 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.09 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.10 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.11 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [545.13 DEBUG] (Handle receiveMessage:158) < NEWHANDLE@134.71
      [545.13 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CB_VIEW_QUERY@134.72 => {DSType=DSTYPE_SEEDED, DS={}, ViewParameters=


      , DesignName=test_design, Options=

      {DelayMax=10, DelayMin=1, IterWait=1, Vie wQueryCount=-1, ViewQueryDelay=0, TimeRes=1}

      , ViewName=test_view}
      [545.14 INFO] (Scenario run:83) RAMP phase started. Waiting for 30 seconds
      [545.14 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Got command CB_VIEW_QUERY
      [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) [Sdkd.Handle|Warn] Command data: {
      [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DSType": "DSTYPE_SEEDED",
      [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DS": {},
      [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewParameters":

      { [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "limit": 0 [545.15 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DesignName": "test_design",
      [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "Options":

      { [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMax": 10, [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "DelayMin": 1, [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "IterWait": 1, [545.16 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryCount": -1, [545.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewQueryDelay": 0, [545.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "TimeRes": 1 [545.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }

      [545.17 INFO] (SDKD log:137) "ViewName": "test_view"
      [545.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [545.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) }
      [545.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) log4net:ERROR RendererMap: Exception while rendering object of type [Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger+FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage]
      [545.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      [545.18 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
      [575.14 INFO] (Scenario run:86) Starting CHANGE phase
      [575.20 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [576.22 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [577.24 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [579.99 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [581.33 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 0%
      [583.27 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 1%
      [586.30 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 2%
      [587.51 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 2%
      [588.55 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 3%
      [589.56 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 3%
      [590.57 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 3%
      [591.63 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 4%
      [592.73 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 5%
      [593.81 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 5%
      [594.83 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 6%
      [595.85 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 7%
      [596.86 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 7%
      [597.89 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 8%
      [598.92 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 9%
      [599.93 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 9%
      [600.94 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 10%
      [601.98 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 10%
      [603.05 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 11%
      [604.06 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 11%
      [605.10 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 12%
      [606.14 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 12%
      [607.16 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 13%
      [608.17 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 13%
      [609.28 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 14%
      [610.34 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 14%
      [611.35 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 15%
      [612.39 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 15%
      [613.41 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 16%
      [614.42 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 16%
      [615.43 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 17%
      [616.45 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 18%
      [617.49 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 18%
      [618.50 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 19%
      [619.52 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 19%
      [620.53 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 20%
      [621.55 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 20%
      [622.56 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 21%
      [623.63 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 21%
      [624.66 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 22%
      [625.66 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 22%
      [626.71 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 23%
      [627.72 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 24%
      [628.77 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 24%
      [629.79 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 25%
      [630.80 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 25%
      [631.81 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 26%
      [632.83 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 26%
      [633.86 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 26%
      [634.87 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 27%
      [635.89 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 27%
      [636.90 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 28%
      [637.91 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 28%
      [638.92 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 29%
      [639.94 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 29%
      [640.95 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 30%
      [641.99 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 31%
      [643.02 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 31%
      [643.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Received exception of ID 0
      [643.63 INFO] (SDKD log:137)
      [643.66 INFO] (SDKD log:137) Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
      [644.03 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 32%
      [645.04 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 32%
      [646.05 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 32%
      [647.06 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 33%
      [648.06 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 33%
      [649.07 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 34%
      [650.10 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 35%
      [651.17 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 35%
      [652.18 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 36%
      [653.22 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 36%
      [654.22 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 37%
      [655.23 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 37%
      [656.24 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 38%
      [657.25 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 39%
      [658.30 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 40%
      [659.34 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 40%
      [660.35 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 40%
      [661.36 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 41%
      [662.36 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 42%
      [663.37 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 42%
      [664.38 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 43%
      [665.40 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 43%
      [666.41 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 44%
      [667.42 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 45%
      [668.43 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 45%
      [669.45 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 46%
      [670.47 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 47%
      [671.52 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 47%
      [672.52 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 48%
      [673.54 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 48%
      [674.55 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 49%
      [675.58 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 49%
      [676.58 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 50%
      [677.59 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 50%
      [678.60 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 51%
      [679.60 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 51%
      [680.61 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 51%
      [681.62 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 52%
      [682.63 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 53%
      [683.64 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 53%
      [684.64 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 54%
      [685.65 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 54%
      [686.65 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 55%
      [687.66 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 55%
      [688.67 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 56%
      [689.68 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 56%
      [690.68 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 56%
      [691.69 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 57%
      [692.70 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 57%
      [693.70 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 58%
      [694.72 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 58%
      [695.73 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 59%
      [696.70 INFO] (SDKD log:137) +++ Flushing remaining exception trace buffer
      [696.71 INFO] (SDKD log:137) at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
      at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
      at Couchbase.Configuration.CouchbaseConfigContext.LoadConfig(IBucketConfig bucketConfig) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Configuration\CouchbaseConfigContext.cs:line
      at Couchbase.Configuration.Server.Providers.CarrierPublication.CarrierPublicationProvider.UpdateConfig(IBucketConfig bucketConfig) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Co
      nfiguration\Server\Providers\CarrierPublication\CarrierPublicationProvider.cs:line 91
      at Couchbase.Core.ClusterManager.NotifyConfigPublished(IBucketConfig bucketConfig) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Core\ClusterManager.cs:line 137
      at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseBucket.CheckForConfigUpdates[T](IOperationResult`1 operationResult) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Core\Buckets\CouchbaseBucket.c
      s:line 234
      at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseBucket.CanRetryOperation[T](IOperationResult`1 operationResult, IOperation`1 operation, IServer server) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couc
      hbase\Core\Buckets\CouchbaseBucket.cs:line 166
      at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseBucket.SendWithRetry[T](IOperation`1 operation) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Core\Buckets\CouchbaseBucket.cs:line 104
      at Couchbase.Core.Buckets.CouchbaseBucket.Get[T](String key) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\couchbase-net-client\Src\Couchbase\Core\Buckets\CouchbaseBucket.cs:line 888
      at Sdkd.Commands.GetCommand.ExecuteSingle(String key, String value) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\sdkd-net\src\Sdkd\Commands\GetCommand.cs:line 18
      at Sdkd.Commands.KVCommand.Run() in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\sdkd-net\src\Sdkd\Commands\KVCommand.cs:line 25
      at SdkdConsole.Daemon.Handle.DispatchCommand(Request req, CouchbaseBucket cli) in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\sdkd-net\src\SdkdConsole\Daemon\Handle.cs:line 231
      at SdkdConsole.Daemon.Handle.Run() in c:\jenkins\workspace-net2\sdkd-net\src\SdkdConsole\Daemon\Handle.cs:line 153
      at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
      at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
      [696.74 ERROR] (BRun maybePropagate:237) Suppressing driver-related error
      com.couchbase.sdkdclient.context.HarnessException: Driver crashed
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.context.RunContext$5.call(RunContext.java:192) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.context.RunContext$5.call(RunContext.java:183) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      [696.76 DEBUG] (RebalanceWaiter sweepOnce:38) Rebalance Progress: 59%
      [696.76 DEBUG] (Handle sendMessageAsync:183) > CLOSEHANDLE@103.73
      [696.76 WARN] (STester close:170) While stopping driver
      java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
      at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.writeBytes(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implFlushBuffer(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.implFlush(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at sun.nio.cs.StreamEncoder.flush(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.io.OutputStreamWriter.flush(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at java.io.BufferedWriter.flush(Unknown Source) ~[na:1.6.0_27]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.handle.Handle.sendMessageAsync(Handle.java:188) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.handle.Handle.close(Handle.java:254) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.driver.HandleManager.stopAll(HandleManager.java:26) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.driver.HostPortDriver.stop(HostPortDriver.java:118) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.driver.ExecutingDriver.stop(ExecutingDriver.java:117) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.stester.STester.close(STester.java:167) ~[sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.batch.BRun.runHarness(BRun.java:281) [sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.batch.BRun.runSingleTest(BRun.java:388) [sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.batch.BRun.run(BRun.java:472) [sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]
      at com.couchbase.sdkdclient.batch.BRun.main(BRun.java:504) [sdkdclient-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:na]



        For Gerrit Dashboard: NCBC-589
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            andreibaranouski Andrei Baranouski
            andreibaranouski Andrei Baranouski
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